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Is there a way to view the stack memory in java?

In Java I can use Visual VM to see the state of the heap with a heap dump. Is there any way to view the state of the stack memory? I don't need this for any assignment but I am curious to view the ...
Andy Cribbens's user avatar
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How is "Size" calculated in JVisualVM's Heap Dump

I'm running Java Visual VM to analyze performance on a Mule app to reduce the amount of memory used. When I look at the heap dump, I see that char[] has a size of over 37 MB, String has a size of a ...
Drew Ingram's user avatar
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Java Used Heap RAM usage peaks, how can I avoid them?

First of all, I can't really show code, I am sorry, these software belongs to the company I work for, not me. I will try to explain my problem the best I can. I am developing a little application ...
Mayuso's user avatar
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VisualVM heap size doesn't follow used size

I'm using the VisualVM to profile a javafx 8 application that does some graphing and uses a lot more memory than I would like. It doesn't seem to be leaking, but for some reason my total heap never ...
Mark's user avatar
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How can I find what objects/ threads are causing heap space error in Java? (VisualVM, MemoryAnalyzer) [duplicate]

I'm using an ETL software Pentaho (only mildly relevant) -- it's built on Java. I'm getting heap space errors after 80 loops of a process every time --- I can increase the memory allocated to Java -...
user45867's user avatar
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Java Program is getting slower over time

So I am actually seeking for suggested list of causes that may cause my java program to get slower overtime. My java program keeps reading lines (line by line) from files and then for each line it ...
A.Shoman's user avatar
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JBoss not releasing memory

I am running a Java application in JBoss which periodically undertakes a memory-intensive task. The amount of memory used by org.jboss.Main rises during this time, but does not fall once the task is ...
elo96's user avatar
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JFreeChart heap space

I'm just wondering if there's a way to stop JFreeChart thrashing the heap, or an alternative that doesn't do it so much. SpreadsheetDate, Millisecond and Day are taking up about 70 MB of the heap, but ...
Chris Dennett's user avatar
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jvisualvm is not working with eclipse

For who knows what is the jvisualvm, I downloaded a plugin to eclipse to initiate the application with the jvisualvm. But unlike the official site says, when I run any java application, the program ...
alansiqueira27's user avatar