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Optimizing plots with millions of points in jfreecharts

lately I've been really into plotting enormous realtime data, so in short I have a mysql database, where I store my data, it updates like for 1000 rows in a sec, I take two columns via jdbc with ...
IlyaK's user avatar
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Add JScrollPane to JFreeChart_Facing problem

I am having problem adding JScrollPane to my LineChart, I am unable to the full project since it is a big Code. This is a code snippet from my project. I am able to generate the chart but the bottom ...
Habeeb E Sadeed's user avatar
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Generating smooth curves in JFreeChart using XYBezierRenderer or XYCardinalSplineRenderer

I am trying to generate a graph using JFreeChart to display temperature and humidity data. Initially, I used XYSplineRenderer, but it was going out of bounds. After researching on Stack Overflow, I ...
Kkv's user avatar
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JFreeChart Ring Chart total in center not breaking into multiple lines

JFreeChart Ring Chart total in center not breaking into multiple lines. Here is what I have tried, and here is my output: I just want to create a JFreeChart which is used later to convert to ...
sonu vishwakarma's user avatar
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Icons in sector labels with JFreeChart

In order to convey additional information, I am trying to replicate a specific functionality: embedding icons within the sector labels when using JFreeChart. It should look something like this ...
Bishop's user avatar
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How to customise the tick marks in jfree chart(i want to skip some points between two tick marks)

DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) { dataset.addValue(i, "y.....", "" + i); } JFreeChart chart = ...
Shruthip Shet's user avatar
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How to fix XYDataset error when creating a bar graph in Java? [duplicate]

I am trying to create an example graph for a different project. The issue is that I am getting the error: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable ...
Michael Peters's user avatar
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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jfree/data/category/CategoryDataset [duplicate]

I tried creating a simple BarChart using JFreeChart. The code seems have no problem until I run it. The error message i got: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/...
Antaniki's user avatar
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Remove border of the Legend of Chart

I have a multiAxisChart with a couple of charts. I wrote a JRChartCustomizer for each chart and tried to JFreeChart.getLegend() which returned null. I tried getting CategoryPlot.getLegendItems() which ...
itsraja's user avatar
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FastScatterPlot not displaying data

I am trying to build a charting application as a project for college, using JFreeChart to build the graphs and Swing to build the UI. After some debugging Im at a point where the file parser is ...
Santiago-Garciayala's user avatar
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JFree Chart3d how to get data points displayed on XYZ Line Chart

I drew a 3D line chart using jfree.chart3d in the Orson Charts library using java. How can I get the data between two points selected with the mouse on the line chart I drew? I searched deeply but get ...
Cengiz Eken's user avatar
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Draw graph in GWT

We are using JFreeChart to draw graph in a GWT project, and now we looking for something more interactive to do this. Each one we can use to have a SVG format of graphs by the easiest way. Trying to ...
MrArbi's user avatar
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How do I create a program where I can upload an excel sheet and it produces a bar graph?

So for a school project I want to make a tool where you can upload a spreadsheet regarding student grades and the tool will generate a bar graph. My excel sheet is in the following format | Student ID ...
katya surapuraju's user avatar
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Embed JFreeChart in PDF

I am building a PDF file in my Java application and then I generate a graph using JFreeChart, saving it as JPEG. Now is there any way of embedding the generated image into the PDF? My current code for ...
matteo's user avatar
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JFreeChart setDefaultFillPaint not working

I tried the following code to change the color below my graph line to green: I dont know why JFreeChart just ignores my wanted color - but I get no error. JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory....
Anonymous's user avatar

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