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Embed JFreeChart in PDF

I am building a PDF file in my Java application and then I generate a graph using JFreeChart, saving it as JPEG. Now is there any way of embedding the generated image into the PDF? My current code for ...
matteo's user avatar
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PDFbox jfreechart is blurry

I am trying to save jfreechart in pdf using PDFBOX.I am using PDImageXObject to save the chart as png and place it inside PDF using PDPageContentStream(PDFbox version :2.21.0). The problem is when it'...
user15584948's user avatar
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Issues creating a jfreechart score bar/chart

I am trying to create a score/percent/status bar using jfreechart. The image show what it's suppose to look like.Good ScoreChart It looks like one bar from a stack chart, so I try to adjust from ...
James C's user avatar
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pie chart using jFreechart and add the chart in pdf in iText

Error occurs when in try { } I just want it to work. Complete with the jars used for jfree and itext. Please help :( package com.pieChart.sample; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import
Nikolai Vilbar's user avatar
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JFreeChart - Putting Charts to PDF, One on Each Page

I have 2 JFree Charts and I would like to put one on each page of PDF. How could I edit this code? public void createPdf(String filename) throws IOException, DocumentException, SQLException { // ...
Pavel Straka's user avatar
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JFreeChart Ring Chart : Only Legends section is displaying but Ring Chart is not displaying

Can anyone help me out Why Only Legends section is displaying but Ring Chart is not displaying IF the data set has more data records say > 50. I have stuck with it.
Ram Anji's user avatar
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How do I align a graphic in iTextPDF?

I am developing a Java App. I created a pie chart using jFreeChart and added it to a PDF file created with the iText library, but I cannot find a way to align and center the graphic inside the PDF. ...
Miguel Corti's user avatar
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Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jfree.text.TextBlock.setLineAlignment(Lorg/jfree/ui/HorizontalAlignment;)

I write the code in fetch data from mysql table and create chart for that value and insert that chart into pdf and store it. but I got error. sql data fetched and pdf also created but not open and ...
RDY's user avatar
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Make JFreeChart CategoryPlot look like Flot.js bar chart

Overview I've been trying to mimic the flot.js chart shown below in JFreeCharts. so far I have succeeded in most elements such as individual bar colors with transparency, x and y grid lines and ...
P A S T R Y's user avatar
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JFreeChart not showing in generated Spring MVC and iText PDF

I asked before the question "Append PDF at the available space of another PDF file" and I have successfully made a PDF with both native iText and JFreeChart combined in one page. I merged this setup ...
P A S T R Y's user avatar
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Append PDF at the available space of another PDF file

Viral Patel's tutorial on how to merge and split PDF files is useful. Unfortunately, I need something more than merging the files but appending a PDF to another PDF. I am generating reports and one ...
P A S T R Y's user avatar
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jFreeChart custom bar colors error from tutorials

I've been looking everywhere to know how to change each bar color because I do not like the gradient setting of the default bar colors. They all suggested overriding the BarRenderer with more or less ...
P A S T R Y's user avatar
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How can iText embed font used by JFreeChart for chart title and labels?

I'm using Linux machine with iText and JFreeChart. I noticed after embedding a chart that Helvetica font (un-embedded) now appears in the PDF file. Here's the code I'm using: import com.itextpdf.text....
ggkmath's user avatar
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JFreeChart Bar chart with one category and custom bar positions

We are already using JFreeChart in our product. But so far for all needed charts it was easy to find description and tutorials. For new report we need to show bar chart with all bars being located ...
Alexey Kamenskiy's user avatar
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jfree chart bar chart add $ to range value

I implemented a code to represent a bar chart (as of picture). Now my problem is that I want to add $ sign to the values to represent the currencies. So that the values would be: $0 ---- $500,000 ...
pms's user avatar
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