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ggplot2: Circular barplot manipulation for scalability

Preamble: I recently having this thread Goal Replicating this plot Current code library(tidyverse) data <- data.frame( labels = c("A","B","C","D","E&...
isaid-hi's user avatar
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gnuplot's plot for - missing curves

Following displays 4 curves, as expected: plot "a.csv" using 1:2 lw 4 with lines, \ '' using 1:3 lw 4 with lines, \ "b.csv" using 1:2 lw 4 with lines, \ '...
user1823664's user avatar
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ggplot2: rectangular background behind axis text in circular bar plot [closed]

Goal Replicating this circular bar plot: Data data <- data.frame( labels = c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H"), ...
isaid-hi's user avatar
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Something odd is happening with my boxplot. The pvalue line dispayed from stat_pvalue_manual() with ggboxplot() is running off the graph

Something odd is happening with my box plot. The pvalue line dispayed from stat_pvalue_manual() with ggboxplot() is running off the graph. I created the box plot below from the same code but different ...
Simela's user avatar
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Reprojecting a SpatVector using a SpatRaster

I am trying to follow best practice and reproject my SpatVector into the projection for a SpatRaster, but the resulting reprojected object doesn't function properly. I have designed a reproducible ...
Cameron's user avatar
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Setting the origin of a 2DHistogram Plot in PlotPy

I have been working with the PlotPy library (not to be confused with Plotly) to create a Python Qt GUI to display a series of plots -- one of which happens to be a 2D Histogram. Following their ...
Freerey's user avatar
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How to Highlight the Difference Between Two Bar Charts in MATLAB?

I am working on a MATLAB project where I have two sets of data: 1- "No Reflection": Represents baseline coverage area values. 2- "With Reflection": Represents coverage area values ...
SH_IQ's user avatar
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plot(): adjust vertical space on Y-axis

How to adjust the vertical space between labels as well as data points within my plot? Some example data: data <- data.frame( a = c(-2.5, -1.2, 0, 1.4, 2.8), b = c("Var1", "Var2&...
geek45's user avatar
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4 votes
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Centering Text With Superscripts on Multiple Lines in a Plot in R

I have a plot, and I'd like to add a text box to it. This text box has text that must go on 5 different lines. This text box also contains superscripts. The text box should be center justified too. I ...
David Moore's user avatar
3 votes
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Plotting a mesh with transparent nans doesn't seem to work

The following code: import pyvista as pv import numpy as np def test_pyvista_layers(): """Test how PyVista handles multiple mesh layers with NaN values and opacity settings"&...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Varying the arrowsize proportional to the linewidth in streamplots (matplotlib: 3.5.1)

I have fluid flow data, that has some vortices that decay in strength with distance in one direction. An easy example of this is below. import numpy as np # model flow field x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np....
vercors's user avatar
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How to label correctly circular barplot in R

I tried to make a circular plot (group some countries) but the labels are not on the country's values. They are displayed randomly. Used this data data used library(tidyverse) data <- read_xls(&...
Ana-Maria's user avatar
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Make Circular barplot customization in R

I saw the example on here which is really good but now I am stucked. I tried to create a circular barplot with groups using the country data with different groups Am, As, ...
Ana-Maria's user avatar
3 votes
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Plotting quiver plots in matplotlib

I want to plot the slope field for: 0.5*sin(0.5*pi*x)*sqrt(y+7) import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Specify the grid of dots x = np.arange(-3,3,0.3) y = np.arange(-2,4,0.3) X, Y = ...
blackened's user avatar
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spaghetti chart with customized labels [closed]

I would like to create a spaghetti chart where several assets are plotted, showing for each of them the % of price change from the first visible canlde on the left. I would also like to customize the ...
Wudavide's user avatar

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