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iOS ipa and app file size increased after building with xcode16

iOS App size got increased after generating build with Xcode 16. I have compared the .ipa file contents generated from Xcode 15.8 and Xcode 16.1 version, there was huge increase of size which is ...
Madhu's user avatar
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2 votes
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Xcode Archive Fails for React Native Project – "Run custom shell script 'Bundle React Native code and images'"

I am working on a React Native project, and while building the project in Xcode works fine, for releasing the app to app store, and archiving it fails with the following error: Command ...
Sohaib Bin Mohsin's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cycle in dependencies between targets 'React-jsi' and 'SDWebImageWebPCoder'; building could produce unreliable results in Xcode 16.1

Cycle in dependencies between targets 'React-jsi' and 'SDWebImageWebPCoder'; building could produce unreliable results. While build app from xcode , I got this error Prepare build error: Cycle in ...
Bhavin Parghi's user avatar
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expo run:ios failing from new project

I am creating a fresh new expo project with npx create-expo-app@latest however, when running npx expo run:ios after npx expo prebuild -p ios the build is failing. I am using; "expo": "~...
David Henry's user avatar
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react-native version 0.75.3 , react - native firebase version is 20.4.0 and xcode version is 16

While running in react-native ios project after configuration of Google-PlayServices.json file i got error is While Running react-native 0.75.3 latest application after installing react-native ...
Alok Sinha's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

iOS apps built with Xcode 16 grow up in size significantly

After upgrading to Xcode 16 I've noticed that my app grew up in size, from 10MB to 165MB(!). I've presumed it's related to bitcode settings removal in this version of Xcode, so I've added my own strip ...
Vyacheslav Orlovsky's user avatar
21 votes
8 answers

asset validation failed invalid executable. the executable '' contains bitcode

I encountered this problem after updating to macOS 15 Sequoia and the latest version of Xcode 16. I'm getting this error when trying to publish the build from Xcode. Does anyone know the solution?
Pankaj's user avatar
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3 votes
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Xcode 16 issues, npm run ios no longer working

As the title suggests I recently upgraded my macOS version which in turn made me update my Xcode to version 16.0, because of this the app that I was developing would work fine on version 15.4. I got ...
Aman Singh's user avatar
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The archive did not include a SYM for the Razorpay.framework with UUIDs. Ensure that archive's SYM folder includes DWARF file for Razorpay.framework

I have tried this: My podfile code: bitcode_strip_path = `xcrun --find bitcode_strip`.chop! def strip_bitcode_from_framework(bitcode_strip_path, framework_relative_path) framework_path = File....
Chetan's user avatar
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41 votes
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Xcode 16.0 : unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed

I recently upgraded my Xcode to version 16. After the upgrade i have started encountering this error when i am building my app. unexpected service error: The Xcode build system has crashed. Build ...
Waseem Kurne's user avatar
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