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masouduut94's user avatar
Computer Vision Engineer
  • Member for 8 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
12 votes

Normalize columns of a dataframe

6 votes

Calculate overlapped area between two rectangles

6 votes

How to implement word embedding for persian language

5 votes

Tensorflow can not restore vocabulary in evaluation process

4 votes

Unable to run python file in pycharm?

3 votes

how to get rid of error "'float' object has no attribute 'exp'"?

2 votes

How can I download a specific part of Coco Dataset?

2 votes

how to get the corresponding key for the maximum value in dictionary list in the most effecient way?

1 vote

How can I make the phantomJS webdriver to wait until a specific HTML element being loaded and then return the page.source?

1 vote

How can I change the x-axis labels in a Python plot?

1 vote

How can I make a newline under the condition-matching number?

1 vote

python how to detect key combinations with opencv waitkey library?

1 vote

How to filter COCO dataset classes & annotations for custom dataset?

1 vote

What is the concept of "Last Good Reply" and "Rapid Action Value Estimation" in Monte Carlo Simulation?

1 vote

Displaying RTSP stream with OpenCV and gstreamer

1 vote

OpenCV Compare values through matrices for error level analysis

1 vote

tensorflow custom loop does not end in first epoch and progress bar runs to infinite

0 votes

how to have full control over a process (start/terminate) which runs in parallel with flask application?

0 votes

Extracting a required string form a string stored in txt file

0 votes

How can I make my function to read a csv file and return a list in Python?

0 votes

How can I modify the OpenCV installation path as the one built from source instead of the one installed with pip in an environment?

0 votes

Disable Tensorflow debugging information

0 votes

Keras - How to use ImageDataGenerator without deforming aspect ratio

0 votes

How to modify keras model to get output between 0 to 7 except for just 0 and 1?

0 votes

How can I set the best configurations for the project working with django, docker and mysql?

0 votes

Is there any way to have simple ascii visualization of binary search tree?

0 votes

The difference between map, enumerate and lambda in python 3.4 and python 2.7?

0 votes

Regex logic for parsing date in a custom format not working?

0 votes

How can I replace svm.SVR 'rbf' kernel in sklearn using my own RBF function?

0 votes

How better speed performance in loops would be achieved in cython?