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Avrohom Yisroel's user avatar
Avrohom Yisroel
  • Member for 13 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
66 votes

Unable to launch the IIS Express Web server, Failed to register URL, Access is denied

32 votes

Visual Studio not downloading DLL for NuGet package

11 votes

Blazor server app not working when deployed, works fine in Visual Studio

7 votes

How do I unit test a repository that uses DbContext with NSubstitute?

6 votes

log4net log file not being written when the app is deployed

5 votes

Better way to do a SelectAll, Filter, Update (on all results)

4 votes

How do I configure a nullable 1-1 relationship in EF Core?

4 votes

Pure HTML Back Button

4 votes

Entity Framework gets progressively slow with extra join added even though SQL generated is fast

3 votes

Do @ref's in Blazor have to be nullable to avoid warnings if nullable reference types are turned on?

3 votes

WPF button command binding refreshed, but button still disabled

3 votes

Project Euler Q8 Largest product in a series - Why is my code wrong?

3 votes

Error 400: redirect_uri_mismatch trying to access Google Drive

3 votes

Wpf \ MVVM - Where should I put view related properties?

3 votes

Trying to run MySql script gives error "Failed to open file" error: 22, even though the file exists

3 votes

"Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type" when using @ref in a Blazor component

2 votes

How do I receive an output from VS community in C#?

2 votes

Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable get not updated value

2 votes

Is Entity Framework suitable for large amount of entities?

2 votes

How to connect to encrypted database?

2 votes

how to run karma/jasmine tests in visual studio?

2 votes

Managing complex unit test mock data

2 votes

How do I add logging to a static class without losing the ability to unit test?

2 votes

Visual Studio 2019 Developer PowerShell v16.9.4 not working

2 votes

How can I avoid `#if DEBUG` directives for members in C#?

2 votes

C# and special characters

2 votes

VS CodeLens on Properties

2 votes

How to handle 404 error for files in MVC5?

2 votes

"Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type" in .NET 4.5

2 votes

Throwing an exception vs Contract.Requires<T>?

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