Unanswered Questions

26,586 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
51 votes
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Using XMLTeX to typeset OpenDocument Text

I know that XMLTeX has already been used to typeset TEI documents, but has anyone publicly worked on a set of environment files and stylesheets to typeset OpenDocument Text? I have been looking for ...
Christian Gagné's user avatar
43 votes
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Advanced Math and braille

How does one go about typesetting math books in braille with all parenthesized subscripts and superscripts and are there braille signs for the amsmath package special symbols?
Jack Maddington's user avatar
36 votes
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Is there a way to optimize citation order to reduce the number of superscript numbers in text?

I want to know if there is a way to optimize the order my citations are in, such that they output the minimum number of numbers in the text. So, if I have citations \cite{A,B,C} and later \cite{A,C,...
Canageek's user avatar
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28 votes
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Hyphenation differences between LuaTeX and other engines

I would like to hear what from the LuaTeX documentation would help me predict the differences in hyphenation behaviour of LuaTex. I answered a question about hyphenating already-hyphenated words (like ...
ShreevatsaR's user avatar
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21 votes
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Decide between Polyglossia and Babel for XeLaTeX in 2019

Which are the key questions one has to ask to decide between Polyglossia and Babel for a XeLaTeX project in 2019? There has been a similar, more general question in 2012, but the packages have ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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proper alignment of pdfpages import in memoir typeblock

Finding the solution to Setting up pdfpages with memoir? turned out not to be as simple as adding the right layout parameter as an offset. The first finding was that if a twoside documentclass is ...
dgs's user avatar
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20 votes
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Is it possible to convert a citation style language (csl) style file to a bibtext (bst) style file?

I am in a bind, trying to wrap up my thesis in two weeks time. My university requires me to use their citation style, which they only provide for endnote or zotero. Since all my citations are in ...
niclas ericsson's user avatar
17 votes
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Transform paper folding diagram to 3D object or vice versa

I made this commands to make paper models, and I ask if it is possible to have a 3D view of them converting in tikz-3D, or backward. But it's easier to draw the flat model and generate the volume ...
Tarass's user avatar
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16 votes
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Obtain an animated PDF from an animated SVG

I have read Animations in LaTeX, but my question (I think) is different. I have an SVG animated file and I want to create the same animation in LaTeX, without rewriting the code. An example is this ...
Giacomo Alessandroni's user avatar
16 votes
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Asymptote generates different output whether running in interactive mode or from pdflatex

I would like to make 3d pictures and put them side-by-side. I can do that nicely creating a file example.asy: settings.render=1; import graph; import graph3; import contour3; material reds = ...
Jay's user avatar
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15 votes
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Optimising microtype for variable fonts

One can find the following passage on p. 27 of the microtype package documentation: Don’t use too large a value for expansion. Font expansion is a feature that is supposed to enhance the typographic ...
Emily's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to select the right index tool for LuaLaTeX in 2019?

There are several tools for indexing: luaindex (one release from 2011, written in Lua, "This is an alpha version!", by Markus Kohm) makeindex (1987-1993, written in C, by L. Lamport, P. Chen et al.) ...
Jonas Stein's user avatar
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14 votes
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tikz 3d gets "too many vectors" at commercial printer - detection? fix?

The 3d marmot included in samcarter's upcoming tugboat article on tikzlings (thanks sc!), which reduces to, \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikzlings} \begin{document} \tikz{\marmot[3D]} \end{...
Karl Berry's user avatar
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14 votes
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Unexpected behaviour with sorting option, multiple ref context and biblist (biblatex 3.0)

I have a large bibliography file where the vast majority of entries are annotated (and annotations can (and do) contain \cite commands). I have to produce a list of the annotated entries displaying ...
Guido's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Simpler way to create chemical graphs using chemfig

chemfig is a great package to draw molecules. But it's not very fast. I am searching for a software to create chemfig code of chemical graphs (molecules, reactions etc.). It would be great if it is ...
jnbrq -Canberk Sönmez's user avatar

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