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1 answer

Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce in Adobe DTM

Is there even support for Ecommerce in the DTM implementation of Google UA? I'm not seeing a way to tell it to load the ecommerce library, let alone a way to include ecommerce related tags in your ...
Mary Jo Sminkey's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Track email form submissions in Adobe Dynamic Tag Management (DTM)

I'm trying to track form submissions by creating a data element and rule in Adobe DTM. I'm new to DTM and am having difficulty configuring the tag correctly. Here's a screenshot of my code: http://...
zcardais's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Implementing Enhanced Ecommerce (UA) using DTM

We are going to kick start the implementation of Enhanced Ecommerce tracking in Universal Analytics, but using Adobe's tag manager i.e. DTM. Google Universal Analytics page code is already present on ...
Adwait's user avatar
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