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Questions tagged [new-zealand]

On standards or conventions specific to the higher education system in New Zealand, which differs in structure and style from the systems in other parts of the world.

26 votes
4 answers

Being an academic far from the action

I'm currently halfway through a PhD in computer science at a good school in the US. After I graduate, I want to stay in academia. I also want to return home to Australia to be closer to my family. ...
user45116's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

Is it petty to expect people to use your title in a professional setting?

As a general rule, I'm a laid back person and don't take life too seriously. So while I have a PhD, let's say, I don't wave around. (So much so that my PhD scroll hasn't been framed yet). I work ...
Mari153's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How hard is it to get an academic position in Australia/New Zealand with a PhD from the US?

I am originally from India, currently a PhD student in Mathematics in the US. As such I don't have very many ties to the US and I was wondering whether it is common for PhDs from the US to get ...
Aru Ray's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What is the average salary of assistant professor in New Zealand?

What is the rough salary one should expect from a research university in New Zealand, say in mathematics or sciences areas, at the beginning assistant professor (called Lecturer in NZ) level professor?...
David's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

The meaning of "paper" in the context of undergraduate students

The word "paper" on this site seems to be extensively used to refer to serious scientific publications/articles by PhD students and other researchers. Now I am coming across its use by students ...
Greendrake's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How common is spousal hire (academic or non-academic) in the Australia/New Zealand system?

I am an academic with hoping for an offer at an Oceania university. I want to know how common in this system is it to ask the university to give my spouse a job? It is common and often successful in ...
John's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Teaching load in New Zealand research universities

What is the average teaching load in research universities in New Zealand? I mean how many courses per academic year does a research active faculty member have to teach? Say, in Math or Science ...
John's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Are academic jobs easy to get in New Zealand for someone with a good PhD and Post-Doc experience?

I have a Ph.D student (in a science related field, I don't want to be too specific) who seems to think that getting a professor job in New Zealand (his home country) would be no problem since he "...
advisingperson's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the equivalent of an Australian or New Zealand honours thesis in British universities?

Although it is somewhat discipline specific, in Australia, to receive honours for a bachelors degree, a student must undertake an additional, optional year of fulltime study, turning a three year ...
fmark's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Are salaries for academic jobs in New Zealand negotiable?

The academic salaries and compensations in new zealand universities seem tobe fairly low compared to most other countries such as US, UK, Australia, etc. Is it however possible to negotiate the ...
John's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What is relationship between post-doc experience and number of publications on Salary/appointment levels in New Zealand universities?

This question is related to What is the average salary of assistant professor in New Zealand? and Are salaries for academic jobs in New Zealand negotiable? Is the relation between number of years of ...
John's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can New Zealand/Australian academics do consulting work during summers?

Is it possible (if not usual) to do consulting work during summers while working as academics in Aus/NZ universities? I guess the more important point is, is it allowed by the universities to earn ...
John's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Abbreviation of qualification

What is the correct abbreviation for National Certificate in Financial Planning? NatCertFP or maybe NatCertFinPlan?
user9432's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Practicality of attaining a law degree despite difficulty remembering facts?

I am > 40 years old and have been heavily involved in IT for my adult life. 20-25 years ago I successfully studied 2 years of Information Technology at a polytechnic (I've always been good with ...
ConfusedParent's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Do bachelor's and master's degrees have to be the same in order to apply for a doctorate?

I got my bachelors degree in the field of wood and paper science engineering and got my masters degree in the field of industrial engineering. I have more than 15 years of experience in the field of ...
Afshin's user avatar
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