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Simulating movement input in server-side, with different tick rates

I'm designing a simple MMO game server with the help of ENet (reliable UDP library) and the Godot engine for client-side. I've read tons of articles, guides, stack exchanges questions regarding ...
Mdr's user avatar
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How to implement framerate-independent acceleration depending on current velocity

For my client/server application, I've implemented framerate-independent acceleration like this. Now I've advanced my formula to be using the current velocity of the moving object to calculate the ...
SaPropper's user avatar
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What's causing this stutter when framerate fluctuates?

I'm working on a class responsible for arm sway in an fps engine, and am having an issue with a stutter that appears to be related to fluctuating framerate. However I have also noticed it when locking ...
whitwhoa's user avatar
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Calculating framerate-independent values, for linear, quadratic, and exponential functions

There are a few similar posts, but they only deal with one of the three components I'm looking for, and none seem to handle the case of using a fixed step size (they're all about simulations which use ...
Raigan Burns's user avatar
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Is Updating Sprite/Entity Movement Using Framerate Necessary?

Apologies if this is a dumb question I'm still new to this, but I'm trying to understand if calculations of sprite movements/hitboxes/etc. is necessary or is generally better than just using fixed ...
JGaines's user avatar
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Converting Frame-Dependent Movement to Frame-Independent

I fine-tuned some movement physics for a 2D platformer in a frame-dependent manner and now I want to convert them to frame-independent. I though this would be as easy as multiplying a few things by ...
DyingIsFun's user avatar
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Frame-rate independant movement with acceleration

First of all, this is different to this question, because that question doesn't update entities the same way I am. My update loop goes something like this (for the player): Apply acceleration based ...
Jacob Garby's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Movement appears to be frame rate dependent, despite use of Time.deltaTime

I have the following code to calculate the translation required to move a game object in Unity, which is called in LateUpdate. From what I understand, my use of <...
General Waters's user avatar
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Framerate dependent movement

I'm moving my character controller using Euler integration like this: ...
vision810's user avatar
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Time critical events based on framerate

Problem Description Basically, I've made a "programming game" in which I've made my own scripting language. It is a completely standard Lunar Lander game, though instead of directly controlling the ...
CodingBeagle's user avatar
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Can a high FPS negatively affect how a program runs?

Yeah I know this is a broad question and will get down rated, I'm just hoping for some answer before it gets closed. Anyway, I'm using Slick 2D/Java to play around with graphics. I'm having some ...
rphello101's user avatar
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Frame independent acceleration

To make my game fps independent I move entities with pos += speed * time where time is the delta time since last frame. That works perfectly well with speed but ...
Valmond's user avatar
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