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Inconsistent Movement Behaviour between built Game and Playmode

I'm using a simple MonoBehaviour that causes GameObjects to change their position based on a ...
DemonicTree's user avatar
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Why can't I limit FPS inside Unity editor?

I have an Unity app that requires a stable fps in editor. The fps itself is really high anywhere from 200 to 280 the problem is that is not consistent. I tried to limit it with the code belove but it ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Moving Multiple Objects With Vector2.MoveTowards Not Consistent

Good Afternoon, I'm trying to move three objects from their current position to a shared target position based on speed. Once they reach the target position, they move to a shared respawn location and ...
PayasoPrince's user avatar
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Coroutine delay isn't consistent on different framerates

My problem: I am using a coroutine to add a typewriter effect to my texts, but the delay (using yield return new WaitForSeconds();) isn't consistent on different ...
DemonicTree's user avatar
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Unity 2021/2022 laggy/stuttering Android performance compared to Unity 2020

I have been working for quite a lot of time with the Unity 2020.3 LTS releases and everything seems to be running smoothly when building for the Android platform. I recently decided to upgrade the ...
Panagiotis Iatrou's user avatar
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"ginvalidate frame buffer" calls when testing Unity VR app on Renderdoc

Hi I'm testing out a VR app created in unity 2020 LTR and I'm currently hitting 71fps.. Render doc shows atleast 6ms.. being taken up by the givalidate frame buffer call, happening twice.. What is ...
giomagneto's user avatar
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Setting target framerate changes animation speed in editor, while Time.deltaTime stays the same

I have few animations that work similar to this: ...
daedal99's user avatar
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Draw 2D circles/squares efficiently with Unity

I'm doing a lot of 2D simulations using Unity, and I usually instantiate a lot of squares/circles sprite. When the number of sprites reaches 1k or higher, the FPS usually reduces to 10-20, which makes ...
silverfox's user avatar
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Humanoid Retargetting: Number of frames in LateUpdate is not the same as frames in animation

I need to play an animation in such a way that each frame is for sure being played and not skipped. Why? I want to transfer an animation from 1 model to another. One model is Humanoid, the other one ...
tmighty's user avatar
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Unity3D - Despite using Time.deltaTime, my camera and player move faster at higher framerates

I'm pretty new to c# and Unity so I wouldn't be surprised if I had made some stupid mistakes, but as far as I know, I don't think I misused Time.deltaTime. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...
BasedSoup's user avatar
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Unity post processing Bloom lags on mobile

I made my (first) game today and noticed, that it looked kind of boring, so I decided to add some bloom to my camera and it was looking waaay better. The only problem was the performance, it dropped ...
Liquid's user avatar
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CS0118 framerate is a field but a type was expected

I'm making a mobile game in Unity and I'm trying to write a script that will set the game to either 30 or 60 frames per second based on a public bool, but I am getting error CS0118 on line 12 with ...
Buzz0016's user avatar
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What is a Frame and Frame Per Second?

I'm new to the unity Editor, trying to understand Unity scripting. What is frame? I can't tell from how it's used whether "frame" is a function, or a measure of time. I see this term used in ...
dips virag's user avatar
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low FPS when battery is low ( unity android )

i make a simple 2d scene in unity 2017.3.1f1 (only 5 sprite renderer). I realized that when my Android device's battery is under 20 %, the frame rate will be 60 to 30. I did all the optimizations I ...
sam's user avatar
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Why is there a difference in frame rate between my fps calculation and Unity's calculation

So I wrote my own script for calculating framerate but it consistently comes out with a different value than Unitys idea of current framerate. This is my implementation ...
unknownSPY's user avatar

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