How (& Why) Incase designed its new headphones
I have slowly and surely become a fan of Incase products and this headphone has totally won me over. What is amazing is that these guys work maybe a block away from GigaOM and yet, I have never bothered to “bother” them. What I like about Incase is that they have embraced and extended the Apple design philosophy. Enjoy the video
From Sherlock Holmes to CSI
Sherlock Holmes is the prototype for the master criminologist – the methodical detective who uses science to solve crime. I’m struck by the similarity between the powers attributed to Sherlock Holmes in that era and those attributed to the CSI television shows in our own. It might seem an odd comparison, but think about it: Sherlock Holmes used the latest methods in scientific analysis, solved crimes with blinding speed and was dead certain of himself at all times. Which is exactly what characterises today’s CSI shows.
continue reading Douglas Starr on the Pioneers of Criminology
The mad grab for traffic
When media companies are asked to grow at a meteoric pace the line between original content and borderline theft gets awful blurry. The editorial mission quickly transforms from “What can I link to?” to “How much can I take?” Ryan McCarthy | Felix Salmon.