I am working for a Client and created an iPhone app. My client gave me the AdHoc provisioning profile,certificate and private key for the certificate which i already imported in to my keychain. Then i tried to archieve the project with the given provisioning profile and certificate. I am not a member of his team in the apple developer portal and i am a member of another team which do not have any app with this app bundleID. , i am getting the following error which i try to export the archieve.

enter image description here

Can i archieve the project and export the IPA if am not a member of a team but i have the provisioning profile and certificate for that app?

Can any body guide me how i can export the created archieve.

2 Answers 2


You have to be a team member since the provisioning profile includes your personal information and uses that in Xcode to build the app.

Another workaround could be to set up your own provisioning profile for the app and include the devices you want to run it with.

However the most simple solution would be to add you as a team member and to create a fresh certificate.

  • But if create my own provisiong profile then there will an issue of the push messages. The push messages should come from the server of my client instead of my own push server. Do you think this will be an issue? Commented Jan 8, 2015 at 9:24
  • You could generate a new certificate for push notifications in member center, download it and place it on your clients server. Then with your freshly created provisioning profile you could receive notifications from that server. Commented Jan 8, 2015 at 10:08

No you cannot create an IPA if you are not a member of the team.

Things would become easy if your client can add you as a member of his team and tada you can export IPA!

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