I am integrating Google Chromecast in my videoplayer app. I have referred this link:


It displays Chromecast device but when I am trying to connect that device it returns an error. Here is the error log:

 -[GCKEventLogger logDeviceController:sessionID:application:connectionFailedWithError:]  LOG EVENT: DeviceControllerApplicationConnectionFailed device=<0x1311cc710:GCKDevice> [com.google.cast.CastDevice] 'Chrome Cast IBL' (e8fc847534f5fcb8e8c7190dc05458b6), sessionID=1272110429, appID=F1D64732, error=2

Any idea what would cause this? Thanks in advance.


2 Answers 2


This type Problem occur because of slow internet connection then its take more time to connect with Chromecast so because of timeout its Failed to connect. So you need to reconnect(stop casting and connect again) then it easily connect with chromecast.

  • i have satisfied internet speed but i getting same issue with chromecast :( Commented Dec 30, 2016 at 4:03

If you followed the documentation properly but the error still occurs, try the official troubleshooter. Also make sure that your device has a supported operating system to install the Google Cast extension. You can check on this thread for more workaround that can help you.

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