I have used Azure Media Service to store the encrypted videos & I am using Widevine DRM to secure the video playing on an Android App. Exo player needs .mdp file URL & Widevine License URL in Android setup.

val drmCallback = HttpMediaDrmCallback(drmLicenseUrl, licenseDataSourceFactory)

Can someone help me to fix below issues:

  1. From where will I get the Widevine License URL to play the video in Exo Player?
  2. Can I use Azure Media Service for Widevine License delivery? If yes then please suggest documentation?

Thanks in Advance.

1 Answer 1


Yes, you can use Azure Media Services to deliver Widevine licenses. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/latest/drm-content-protection-concept and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/media-services/latest/drm-widevine-license-template-concept

Once a locator has been created with Widevine key license delivery, the Widevine License Url will be exposed in the DASH manifest. enter image description here

It will be something like

  • Thanks @Xavier, it is working on my device now. Commented Apr 15, 2021 at 7:50

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