I have followed and number of exmaples (most of which are the same) such as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnQsFlMGDsI
I opena new project, drop a scrollview in and then a "content" view in that, constrain the scrollview to it's superview (top, bottom, left and right) then the Content view is constrained to the inside of the scrollview and then it's width and hight to the scrollview superview. Scrollview in red and content view black.
I drop a Textfield in and then constraint it to the top, leading and trailing of the content view. It all looks good in storyboard but when I run it the content view is not there and the textfield is the width of the objects in it (which are based on the textfield) in it.
I then change the content view hight to be a fixed 800 and I can now see the content view but width is fixed by the size of the textfield (not the other way around), i.e. if I add more "Test info" text it all gets wider.
This is not my real project but I just wanted to eliminate reasons so did this from scratch and it does the same. I can not see what I am missing (hoping a tick box).
If I force the textfield to be 700 wide it scrolls left horizontally, I can not see how to pin the content view width to the screen size.