I can receive a JSON file with variable number of nested fields, like for example this:
"id": "field1",
"values": [{
"1": [{
"11": ["111", "112"],
"12": ["121", "122"]
"2": [{
"21": ["211", "212"],
"22": ["221", "222"]
so that would be decoded as [String: [String: [String]]]
or could be:
"id": "field1",
"values": [{
"1": ["11", "12"],
"2": ["21", "22"]
so it would de decoded as [String: [String]]
, or could have one with even more nested levels ([String: [String: [String: [String]]]]
)... but I don´t know the structure I will receive in beforehand.
Is it possible to handle this scenario?
in your code base once parsed?