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Why has an @ symbol been prepended to some of my JSON values?

I am trying to develop webhook for SES notifications for bounces and I am getting this weird syntax. The top level seem to be valid JSON although Message part has @ prepended in some of the sections: {...
ancient_bonus's user avatar
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AWS SNS Subscription Payload-based Filter Policy filtering everything

I'm trying to send notifications from SNS to my Email-JSON, but my filter policy is filtering all notifications. Below is an example notification that I would like to receive (For readability, refer ...
Benz Chua's user avatar
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SNS Filter policy hitting limit error after quota increase

I have this scenario where my SNS subscription has one filter policy with 150 values in it. I know there is cap on the value, so I have requested AWS for quota increase but even after the increased ...
Gowtham Babu's user avatar
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How to integrate Google Spaces with AWS CloudWatch?

We are planning to move all Slack notifications to Google Spaces. I integrated the Google space with SNS through a lambda function for getting CloudWatch alerts. But the problem is I'm getting the ...
rovoda's user avatar
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Is there a way to filter with AWS SNS filter policies from the message body to SQS queues?

I have a general question about SNS filter policies. I know that the filter policies filter based on the Message Attributes. If we wanted to filter based on the body, is there a work around to do so? ...
khilielb's user avatar
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Nodejs unable to extract JSON values

Variable SNS is a JSON object. And I want to extract values from it and store it inside another variable. `const sns = event.Records[0].Sns.Message;` I want to extract Trigger.Namespace and Trigger....
user630702's user avatar
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How to convert AWS CloudTrail JSON output time

Is it possible to convert the time output that is written inside the JSON data? I tried searching inside the CloudTrail and SNS settings but didn't find any info about time output. The Flow: AWS ...
Bayar Dorjdagva's user avatar
7 votes
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How to send json message body in aws SNS using console

I am doing a hands on where I want to add an SNS trigger to a lambda function which then sends a message to a slack channel. There is a blueprint for this lambda in python and also a template test ...
troglodyte07's user avatar
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Clikhouse + Amazon SNS notification

I try to insert a Amazon SNS notification eventype = Open to ClickHouse, the Json schema is complex so I don't how I can create my table ( with nested inside a nested ... ) { "eventType":&...
FatAlbert75's user avatar
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How to encrypt sns topic at rest to avoid cloud alters

Currently sns topics are getting generated from an ansible script, below is the snippet where I think it is getting generated. Resources: NotificaionTopic: Type: "AWS::SNS::Topic&...
Rohan's user avatar
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function that can differ between two different events (sns and emr) in python in lambda function

I have a lambda function that is triggered by both an sns event and emr event. The events look different and do not share any key:value pairs .my current way keeps giving me a KeyError. Ideally, i ...
danvers18's user avatar
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AWS CLI: SES Configset Destination errors out

I have a SES Configset created and trying to add SNS Event-Destination using CLI, But I get always this error, [root@me]# aws --version aws-cli/1.18.51 Python/2.7.5 Linux/3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64 ...
Krishna's user avatar
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How to get a node from a complex nested JSON response in Python

Hi I've a nested JSON response, need to get specific node(obviously, a nested structure). In the below given example, assume it is 'body', if it does not contain any inner nodes then return the same ...
Pokemon's user avatar
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How to provide JSON inside AWS CLI SNS message?

How to send via aws cli exact JSON structure in command line (NOT via file): aws sns publish --topic-arn "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:12345:myproject_serverlessscheduler_sns" --message '{"key1":"value1", "...
Joe's user avatar
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AWS Lambda & JSON.stringify \\n -> \n - not working with Slack API

We're using a lambda function (node js) to send a message into our slack channel which works. However, when aws is getting a new line its in the format \n. JSON.stringify then encodes this into \\n - ...
AndTa's user avatar
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