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Type 'Loader' is not assignable to type 'undefined' in Astro Content Config

I am getting the following linter error in my src/content.config.ts file: Type 'Loader' is not assignable to type 'undefined' File contents: import { defineCollection, z } from "astro:content&...
Code on the Rocks's user avatar
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vs code Go To Definition for alias path css import in Astro project does not takes to original file but to client.d.ts file

I have Astro based project where using path alias for css file. { "paths": { "@/assets/*": [ "src/assets/*" ] } } and here is importing css ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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Configure Absolute links using ASTROJS <fragment> Component applied to JSON API DATA [closed]

I am using AstroJS v5.0.0-beta.12 and loading data from a prefomatted json file with html links formatted like this <a href=">example link text</a>. When I ...
cmweb's user avatar
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Astrojs - Google Map embed

I want to embed google map into my astro app. i found this site give a tutorial and follow the instruction. However I got errors: GET ...
sooon's user avatar
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Astro 5.0.2 with vitest: getViteConfig and renderToSting of container fail

I just upgraded my Astro site to 5.0.2, but there seem to be breaking changes As per the docs, I use the following vitest config (root of project): /// <reference types="vitest/config" /&...
thomi's user avatar
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How can I make Astro JS bundle all JS into one file?

I am using Astro JS framework but I need to bundle all my component's JavaScript into one single file. I have this partially working but Astro/Vite/Rollup are also generating entry JS assets for each ...
Michael Giovanni Pumo's user avatar
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What does `**\/[^_]*.md^` in Astro glob() Match?

In The docs for the new Astro 5.0.0 release, the new syntax for content collections is introduced docs are here In there, I see a glob pattern **\/[^_]*.md but not how this should differ from **\*.md. ...
thomi's user avatar
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Customizing `defineCollection` in Astro

Situation I have a website with some bilingual MDX pages. My preferred way to organize my files is to have everything related to one "entry" in a single folder: - blog - 01 -
Art's user avatar
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Astro project fails to build on Vercel

I'm trying to deploy my Astro project on Vercel, but the build keeps failing with the same error message: at Object.stat (node:fs:1582:16) at find (file:///vercel/path0/node_modules/vite/dist/node/...
Anthony Candaele's user avatar
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dynamic Icon component load one svg but not other

Using Astro v 4.8.0 having and reusbale Icon component which load icon which are under public/icons library and when I pass the name it include the file name and display the icon. now issue is that ...
xkeshav's user avatar
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Issue with importing .geojson files in an Astro project

I'm working on a project with Astro and I'm having trouble importing a .geojson file. I've added the type declaration to src/types/declarations.d.ts and updated my tsconfig.json, but I'm still getting ...
Jordi Cabré's user avatar
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How can I make the cursor state persist between pages?

I implemented a cursor from this library in my portfolio made with astro and preact, my jsx file looks like this: import { useEffect } from "preact/hooks"; import { ...
Fabián Casas's user avatar
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How to inline astro components in a markdown page

I'm looking for a way to "inject" some generated content in the middle of a markdown file in Astro. I have been extensively reading the docs, and I can't find the primitives I was expecting ...
Danielo515's user avatar
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Astro server mode - run tasks on start

I have a Astro on server mode with the node SRR adapter and using standalone mode and I would like do perform some tasks during the server start e.g. checking if environment variables has been ...
Jingyi Wang's user avatar
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ASTRO framework POST METHOD is not working

i am using astro framework here is my code in src/components/test.astro and form is displaying properly. <form id="contact-form"> <label for="first-name">First Name:&...
Aayush Bansal's user avatar

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