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Swift: Ensuring deinitialization of objects in arrary

I'm new to Swift's ARC and I'm having a possibly memory problem with the following swift code: class Device { let name: String var ports: [Port] init(name: String, ports: [Port] = []) { ...
user4779109's user avatar
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Weakly captured self won't let the view model deallocate until the Task finishes

I am trying to learn ARC and I'm having a hard time with a weakly captured self. My project is using MVVM with SwiftUI. I'm presenting a sheet (AuthenticationLoginView) that has a @StateObject var ...
robertsan's user avatar
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UIViewController with CFNotificationCenter strong reference won't release

I have a view controller that is never released once its parent view controller is removed from the view hierarchy and released. Every instance of it within the memory graph looks the same in that it ...
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Memory continuously increasing on swift application

I'm coding a generic Swift application (not for iOS, it will later run on raspbian) and i noticed a constant increase of memory. I checked for memory leaks also with the inspector, and there are none. ...
Napoleone's user avatar
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Swift Memory Deinit During Reassignment

Let's say I have a custom CIImage class. import UIKit class MyCIImage: CIImage { var VC:RealtimeDepthMaskViewController! deinit { print("Deinit") } override init(cvPixelBuffer ...
impression7vx's user avatar
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Every initialized PDFDocument (in loop iteration) stays in memory until loop finishes. What can I do about that?

I asked a similar question yesterday. There, the problem lied in the managedObjectContext (Swift - Read many big files from FileManager and save them as NSData in CoreData (every file is somehow kept ...
SwiftedMind's user avatar
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SpriteKit not deallocating all used memory

I have ready many (if not all) articles on SO and other sites about the disasters of dealing with SpriteKit and memory issues. My problem, as many others have had, is after i leave my SpriteKit scene ...
TheValyreanGroup's user avatar
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NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject: not release memory useage

Code like this: NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:10*1024*1024]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { NSData* archiveData = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:data]; ...
waitianlou's user avatar
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Memory Leaks Issue in Protocol involving Mirror

I wrote this protocol so that I could create a struct and convert it by accessing this method: protocol JSONConvertable { func toAnyObject() -> Dictionary<String, Any> } extension ...
aBikis's user avatar
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Strange ARC Memory Release Issue

I have an application under development and I am struggling to understand why Xcode appears to be telling me it is holding on to (what seems) almost everything created, causing some memory pressure ...
Will Ullrich's user avatar
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Swift memory will not release

I have a class that get all the user assets, get the image and then perform face detection on each of the images. I am calling my class from the viewDidLoad function like this: override func ...
Idan Aviv's user avatar
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Objects released too soon while in a background thread

I'm trying to build an array of dictionaries in a background thread while keeping access to the current array until the background operation is done. Here's a simplified version of my code: @property ...
arlomedia's user avatar
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How to remove MKMapView in memory?

run a mapview in xcode waste too much memory, so that i want to remove the mapview when current ViewController dismiss: deinit{ mapView = nil } but in the debug navigator, memory didnt release ...
LukasTong's user avatar
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Create Unmanaged<CFString> from Swift

Since Swift 2, C functions that take C callbacks can be invoked from Swift without an intermediate wrapper. Many C event handling APIs follow the pattern that you first create a context: struct ...
Etan's user avatar
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Why the UIImage is not released by ARC when I used UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext inside of a block

I try to download an image from server by using the NSURLSessionDownloadTask(iOS 7 API), and inside of the completion block, I want to the original image to be resized and store locally. So I wrote ...
Jack Huang's user avatar

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