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Arc: how to enable audio player for my own website?

I'm trying to enable the Arc browser audio player on a webpage of mine. I cannot find any documentation from Arc targeted to developers though, so I tried by using what works for Google Chrome, but it ...
Eliot Ragueneau's user avatar
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Teloxide message handler error: Injectable< , , , > is not implemented

My bot should identify message style, so I have create handler As you can see in my code, I use Arc<RwLock>. But I have met a challenges. Please help me This is my error when the code that's ...
ForgetMeNot's user avatar
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Should 'self' be explicitly specified in closure with weak reference to self in capture list?

DispatchQueue.main.async { view.setNeedsLayout() } With above code we get expected error: Implicit use of 'self' in closure; use 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit. It's known that the ...
bart's user avatar
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ARC and the release of custom objects passed into async network methods

In my app I’m running into a problem leaking custom objects passed into a chain of methods that store HTML files into a custom object. Where each method finds a local copy of a file, the file is read ...
johnpurlia's user avatar
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mutate dynamically sized vec in parallel

I'm trying to mutate a dynamically sized (i.e. under certain conditions, new values are pushed, and pop() gets called in every iteration) Vec in parallel. Am I doing anything wrong in this working ...
Chad's user avatar
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Deallocation for NSTextView in Objective-C

I am learning to create a Cocoa application on Mac OS and have run into an issue with memory I don't quite understand. From what I've read with non-ARC is that you should be releasing anything you've ...
Charlie's user avatar
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Instantiating ONNX Session and Environment and overcoming borrowing error without having to use unsafe pointers [duplicate]

I have been trying to instantiate an ONNX runtime environment and session within a struct that can also contain all of the public methods I need. I have a working solution, however this requires the ...
James's user avatar
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Fill a matrix in parallel - how to convert `Vec<Arc<Mutex<Vec<_>>>>` to Vec<Vec<_>>`

I'm learning Rust and just finished the Fearless Concurrency chapter in the Rust book, so am trying to fill up the rows of a matrix in parallel. My matrix is large, so I send a chunk of rows to each ...
Raf's user avatar
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How does the NSWindow isReleasedWhenClosed property work when using ARC?

In Objective-C with ARC or Swift (which always uses ARC), what difference does it make whether isReleasedWhenClosed is true or not? Won't a window be kept alive as long as my code has strong ...
Mecki's user avatar
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Acquiring an access token using REST API on a ARC Connected VM

I'm wanting to connect a On-Prem VM to Azure KeyVault. I have installed the Azure Arc Agent successfully and can see the VM under ARC Machines in Azure. However when I go to request the API token as ...
Shane's user avatar
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Is there a sound way to convert/transmute from Arc<String> to Arc<Vec<u8>>

String and Vec<u8> have the same memory layout, although this is not guaranteed. String also has an into_bytes method returning a Vec<u8>. Is there a sound way to convert from an Arc<...
ChrisB's user avatar
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Weak var in Swift Tree implementation

I am trying to build a tree implementation in Swift to represent a chess game. A game consists of a sequence of moves but alternative moves for a given board position are valid. I want to traverse the ...
dehlen's user avatar
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Why is a CALayer retained after I stop referencing it?

I've the impression that my CALayer is retained after being added as a sublayer until the end execution block, instead of until I stop referencing it. The parent UIView is however released as soon as ...
Guig's user avatar
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Cocoa application produces a lot of "inactive" memory

I am developing software in Objective-C that reads files in chunks and processes them. I noticed with very large files it slows down a lot. Looking in activity monitor it's pretty clear what's going ...
Foxyz's user avatar
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iOS 17 UIImageReader cause memory leak

In my SwiftUI view, I try to load the image from the data. var body: some View { Group{ if let data = model.detailImageData, let uiimage = UIImage(data: data) {// no memory issue ...
Perry Wang's user avatar

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