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Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet works on laptop but not in github actions. No changes done

I have created a service principle in Azure AD B2C and want to upload TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file to it using Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet in GHA. Everything in this works ...
Ashwin Agarkhed's user avatar
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OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow in Azure Active Directory B2C

I've been trying to create a custom policy in Azure B2C that is capable of capturing a parameter sent by my Blazor application at the time of /authorize. I'll explain better: I created a Blazor Web ...
RePinheiro's user avatar
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B2C Custom Policy: Error changing localAccountPasswordReset Content selfAsserted policy version beyond 1.1.0

Why can't I update the LocalAccountPasswordReset selfAsserted version beyond 1.1.0? For a related issue, I am attempting to update the localAccountPasswordReset Content Definition to a later version. ...
davewilliams459's user avatar
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REST API call through custom policy receives all fields in sign-up form

I'm trying to build a sign-up flow where a user needs to fill in a confirmation number and their email address which gets submitted to an API for validation. If the combination matches a record in a ...
GuidovTricht's user avatar
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Azure AD B2C company branding for the -Change Password- page

How can I specify the custom branding image in Azure AD B2C for the Reset Password page? I have an Azure AD B2C tenant that is utilizing Company Branding to specify custom images for the various pages ...
davewilliams459's user avatar
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How can i force a User to reset his Password at first Logon with B2C Custom Policies [closed]

First of all, i have to add, i am not a developer and that problem got forced onto me, so i have to try to fix this! We have a microsoft azure app service environment and are using microsoft b2c ...
IAmGroot's user avatar
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Email address empty when trying to read it out at the back end

I'm trying to log in using a custom HTML template via sendgrid which will contain the OTP code. But when I verify the code I see that "Username" property is empty in the back end. And it ...
Quoter's user avatar
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" character in b2c custom policy

I have a string collection in a custom policy. I need to find if one of the strings in the string collection contains certain value. The problem is that the value is /"id/" /"guid/"...
IriaAM's user avatar
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How can you create a signin in Azure B2C custom policies with type of document, number of document and password?

I'm trying to add the display claims to the technical profile SelfAsserted-LocalAccountSignin-Email but but then it does somehting strange with the layout. It only shows two filds: the type of ...
andres's user avatar
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B2C problem: An account could not be found for the provided user ID. returns for impersonation

A set of users have been created manually. I have 3 users that belong to Entra and sign in with SSO. Those 3 users and another user (created manually)) belong to certain group (Entra group). I have an ...
IriaAM's user avatar
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Azure AD B2C, Auto-linking on signup working for with Google but not for Apple [closed]

Azure B2c provides a lot of samples for custom policies, this case the one that I am trying to implement is the following:
user20406743's user avatar
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Claim groups is not supported in Azure Active Directory Provider

I am trying to read the groups that the user has, I have created a claim called 'groups' and added this line to several technical profiles, all of them are meant to read from AAD. <OutputClaim ...
IriaAM's user avatar
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How do you prevent 2FA for every login when using a MFA-enabled B2C custom policy? [closed]

I've successfully merged two sample policies from Microsoft to create a single policy that lets a user choose between OTP or Email for two-factor authentication. The problem is that users have to ...
bperniciaro's user avatar
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From app insights i get the following Exception Message: A partner claim with id 'identifier' is not found however is required in technical profile

I keep getting this error message in my app insights when i try to authenticate: Exception Message:A partner claim with id 'identifier' is not found however is required in technical profile '...
Quoter's user avatar
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Error during upload of a custom policy xml file for sending emails via sendgrid

Im trying to upload my B2C_1A_DisplayControl_sendgrid_Extensions custom policy. But I keep getting this upload error: this is my xml file: <TrustFrameworkPolicy xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3....
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