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CORS Issue Causing RestConnection Failed Error in AngularFire App

I'm developing an Angular application using AngularFire to interact with Firebase Firestore. When attempting to perform a specific query on Firestore, I'm encountering CORS errors and connection ...
Yeon Joon Kim's user avatar
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AngularFire: get the isNewUser flag;

I need to get hold of the 'additionalUserInfo.isNewUser'. import { User, getAdditionalUserInfo, getAuth, user, UserCredential } from '@angular/fire/auth'; afAuth = getAuth(); user$: Observable&...
pax's user avatar
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Template not reacting to AngularFire Signout

Trying to follow a slightly outdated linkedin learning path for working with firebase. I have implemented a register page which navigates the user to a profile page and is meant to drive the ...
cw23's user avatar
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Angularfire: how to Initialize the config dynamically?

app.config.ts file: import { provideFirebaseApp, initializeApp } from '@angular/fire/app'; import { getAnalytics, provideAnalytics } from '@angular/fire/analytics'; export const appConfig: ...
Ali's user avatar
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Angularfire analatyics got initialized but I don't see my logged events in Firebase console

I'm new to Firebase Analytics... But I could successfully install (npm install firebase @angular/fire) AngularFire in my app. app.config.ts file: import { provideFirebaseApp, initializeApp } from '@...
Ali's user avatar
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Firebase docData stream emits identical object values multiple times in a row

This is my code: import { doc, docData } from '@angular/fire/firestore'; const gameDocRef = doc(this.firestore, 'game',; const game$ = docData(gameDocRef, { idField: 'id' }) Somehow the ...
frontend-ux-ui's user avatar
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How can I query a few levels deep in AngularFIre?

I am trying to get some data from a database where I want only objects that contains a certain key/value pair to be returned. I am using RTDB with Angular Fire. Lets say this is the data { "times&...
almostasnecessary's user avatar
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Angular firebase sign in anonymously not working

I have an Angular 17.3.6 with the package @angular/fire version 17.0.1 installed. When i try to sign in anonymously with Firebase, I get the following error: SignIn Error: FirebaseError: Firebase: ...
Matheus Carvalho's user avatar
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How does my Service plug into my Child Component

I'm an old hand at AngularJS, and now cutting my teeth once again on Angular, with the new standalone (incase its relevant) and considering how to hook my data from my firebase service to my display ...
BaneStar007's user avatar
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how can i use serverTimestamp in angular/Fire in the compat mode

I have tried import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app'; import 'firebase/compat/firestore'; const firestore = firebase.firestore; this.form ={ items:[data.items, null], ...
Cristóbal Felipe Fica Urzúa's user avatar
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angular/fire installation script returns Invalid project id

I am trying to create an authentication page for firebase login. Following the documentation for the @angular/fire package, I created an angular project with ng new angular_fbauth. Then I ran ng add @...
Kody Byrd's user avatar
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FirebaseError: [code=permission-denied]: Missing or insufficient permissions. even if firestore rules read and write are permitted - Angular-Fire

i've got this problem when calling firestore function from angular fire. When i'm succesfully authenticated, i'm fetching to firestore the current user document id for additional data associated with ...
sachaamm's user avatar
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Why is it so complex to convert AngularFire Observable to Array?

I am calling data from Firebase RTDB and that data is in an Observable. The issue I am having here is that, in my .TS file i would like to access the content of the Observable, that thought seems to ...
almostasnecessary's user avatar
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Upgraded angular versions and now getting error: "The AppComponent component is not marked as standalone"

I recently updated angular because Angular Fire bugs were fixed in a much newer version. My previous version was before the "standalone" changes. As a result, I'm getting this error in the ...
Drennen Dooms's user avatar
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I18n Get correct language code in baseHref with firebase hosting and Angular

In my angular project I have set up i18n for "sv"(swedish) and "en". What I want is to when accessing, "/sv" or "/en" to be added to baseHref so that ...
pb4now's user avatar
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