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Button not triggering form submission

I’m encountering an issue with a save button in my form. I have a SaveButton component that is supposed to trigger a form submission when clicked. The button is linked to Formik’s submitForm function, ...
JustAProgrammer's user avatar
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In Tanstack table when a row is editable, how to get formik props dirty,errors,values of all the fields of that row

this is sample one field. When it turns editable goes to another component where this field turned into { header: 'GUI App Name ', accessorKey: 'guiappname', dataType: 'text', validation: yup.object(...
Gethziyaljoyce's user avatar
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How to get collective error msg, dirty status,values of formik forms

return ( <Formik initialValues={initialValues} enableReinitialize validationSchema={columnDef.validation} onSubmit={() => {}}> {({ values, handleChange, handleBlur, errors, touched, dirty, ...
Gethziyaljoyce's user avatar
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How can I set a value in formik with react-bootstrap componenet?

I have a simple formik form with a react-bootstrap based component, how can I set a value in formik? There are only two initial values for simplicity. If I set an initial value and then pass a value ...
Zinox's user avatar
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React input component for an amount with cents

I would like to create a React component that is a custom input that works with formik. This component is intended to receive an amount of money (for example in euros) with cents always visible. For ...
Loick Nosal's user avatar
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React: Formik doesn't trigger render when updating radio buttons from MUI

I'm working on a ToDo app using Formik and MUI. I switched from a select to radio buttons inside the Popover which opens when clicking the icons. But using radio buttons, it doesn't trigger a render ...
Ven's user avatar
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How to reset custom react-select component filed with Formik, React, Typescrypt?

I am implementing a form with the help of the Formik and yup validation in Nextjs or Typescript application. I am using the react-select library for the select box to choose multiple and single values....
Pavitar Sharma's user avatar
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Formik not submit

Formik not submit the form when click at submit button. The handleSubmit() isn't being called, nether putting a console.log() or alert() directly at onSubmit. I am using PrimeReact 10.8.3, React 18.3....
Vitor Hugo's user avatar
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Dynamic Form Fields Based on Selected Category in React Native

I am developing a React Native application where I need to create a form that displays different fields based on the user's selected category. I am using Formik for form handling and want to ...
Indra prashad Sharma's user avatar
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Autofilled input fields show both value and label until clicked in React Material-UI TextField

I'm using Material-UI TextField components in my React application for a login form. The issue I'm facing happens when the browser (e.g., Chrome) autofills the saved credentials into the input fields. ...
fahad nasir's user avatar
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How to use yup async validation with formik and React and avoid to see first required validation

I have React application with formik and yup for building forms. I need create form with list of inputs, with codes and there must be async validations for API, which will confirm if the code exists. ...
Jenan's user avatar
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The dynamic validation I created with Formik and Yup isn't working correctly

I am trying to write a custom yup util for my project. my goal here is to make the form fields specified according to the data coming from the backend service conform to a single type or rule (eg. key-...
Batuhan's user avatar
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How to create conditional assignment in initialValues of Formik

I have initialValues in Formik but I want to assign values in accordance with another field. I have this code: const initialValues: MyValues = { fieldType: fieldType.FIELDA, fieldInformation: '...
Murat K.'s user avatar
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Type inference error for meta.error from useField hook

I'm working with a Formik form that uses MUI's autocomplete component. The selected value can either be null or an object. With Yup I'm able to validate the null value using required like so: ...
xoxikow's user avatar
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Warning: An unhandled error was caught from submitForm() TypeError: Right-hand side of 'instanceof' is not an object at formik.esm.js:784:31

Issue facing : I cannot submit the form to the dev/production server. But in the local code, it is working fine for me. Warning: An unhandled error was caught from submitForm() TypeError: Right-hand ...
06_KeyurChitroda's user avatar

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