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Material-UI Select with TextField Search Not Working Properly

'use client'; import axios from 'axios'; import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import Box from '@mui/material/Box'; import InputLabel from '@mui/material/InputLabel'; import MenuItem ...
Özer Örde's user avatar
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theme not applying for my component in next.js application

I am doing an app in next.js. The landing page of the app is in LandingContent.tsx and the theme is not applying for this component but rest of the content inside. I applied theme for every basic ...
SURYA N's user avatar
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Custom Angular Component Not Rendering

I am trying to create a custom reusable component based on material angular. I have the following code dropdown.component.ts import {AfterContentInit, Component, ContentChildren, QueryList, ...
wolfman928's user avatar
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Typescript error in MaterialReactTable filters: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'id')

Im using MaterialReactTable components from "material-react-table": "2.0.0-beta.9" library in my React app. This error occurs only in built version(yarn build -> serve -s build)...
Rem Asadullin's user avatar
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Displaying an option's Name rather than ID in a MUI multi-select dropdown's renderValue

I am working with a MUI multi-select dropdown and I am struggling the get the renderValue to populate a comma-separated list of the selected options' names. The example from the MUI website ends up ...
Mtullis's user avatar
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How to see styling of a mui class applied to an element?

I use material ui components as part of a react project. After the code is loaded onto the browser, I see 3 classes applied to the <p> tag element that I am looking at. I also applied some ...
africandrogba's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a MUI Pie Chart be oblong? [closed]

I'm just wondering if it's possible to make the shape of a MUI pie chart be oblong. Either narrower vertically or horizontally. If so, how?
Mix Master Mike's user avatar
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Dark theme on pop lists in Material UI

Im working on a project using Material UI and every list appears in dark theme when extended. Though it was fault of my computer theme but it continue happening with light mode. By the way it should ...
Carlos Nuñez's user avatar
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React Mui DatePicker - cs localisation

I'm trying to use DatePicker in Czech language. I used this code import * as React from 'react'; import { AdapterDayjs } from '@mui/x-date-pickers/AdapterDayjs'; import { LocalizationProvider } from '@...
Nitram Nekonečný's user avatar
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React Material UI - Navbar Items Positioning Issue

I am facing a issue while positioning the menu items in my Navbar component when screen size is small. This is the view of normal screen. On small screen, the view is like this: There is an empty ...
shuja ali's user avatar
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how to style DatePicker with MUI? in typescript

im new to use MUI and DatePicker im trying to change colors of selected dates in the code but nothing works with me here is my code: <DatePicker slotProps={{ textField: { size: ...
Hazal Kaya's user avatar
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Responsive megamenu on laptop [closed]

I created a megamenu using React and MaterialUI. Been trying to make a seperate media query on my laptop so that I can assign it a different height vw value but I am not able to do so. ...
Adam Mustafa's user avatar
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AppRouter Next.js 15 layout hydration error

I have a simple app, using Next.js 15, using AppRouter. I keep getting the following error: Hydration failed because the server rendered HTML didn't match the client. As a result this tree will be ...
Péter Ciprián Oláh's user avatar
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How to plot a point on a LineChart?

I am developing a React project that uses Material UI's LineChart library to create a responsive graph. This is what my graph looks like currently: Graph. This is the code that produced said graph: ...
Mason Willman's user avatar
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Make PopUpMenu appear behind keyboard in Compose?

I'm currently working on a dropdown menu in my Android app. It works well, however, the keyboard always end up behind the popup menu, and I want the keyboard to cover it up. When I say PopUpMenu, I'm ...
Anon's user avatar
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