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Border bottom in tr table only if condition is verified

As already indicated in the title, I want to add a bottom border on the row only if the date in the row IS DIFFERENT from the row below. Below is my code; as you can see I added the condition in the ...
ghost_of_the_code's user avatar
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PhpStorm 2024.1: CSS support not working with Laravel/DDEV project on my Mac [duplicate]

I am using PhpStorm 2024.1 (new UI) on a Mac with Apple Silicon. I am working on a Laravel 11 project with DDEV/Docker. From my .blade.php files I cannot jump anymore to any CSS classes in the files ...
iquellis's user avatar
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Background-image won't show up when using routing group laravel 10

I'm confuse why the bg-img won't show up, as far as I know I'm using the correct path for the bg-img. But I did tried to change the bg to a color, and it did show up. Is this a laravel problem or ...
Zacc Caspian's user avatar
-1 votes
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Inconsistent Tailwind behavior

I'm working on a livewire project, trying to apply some tailwind theme configuration, but it just doesn't make sense at all. This is my Tailwind configuration: theme: { extend: { ...
domjanzsoo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Render Livewire Component Multiple Times Causes Styling Issue

I am trying to render my livewire component everytime "[[[newsletter]]]" is within the content. I render the component with this code: public function handle(string $content, Closure $next) ...
Nathan Bayne's user avatar
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Tailwind and dynamic classes seem to be missing

I'm with Tailwind in a Laravel App. While using some TW classes with dynamic params in any Blade view as: <div class="bg-[url('{{ $myBackgroundImageWithPublicSubPath }}')]" > Any ...
Manper's user avatar
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Embed CSS and JS into specific Laravel view / blade template

I'm just getting started with Laravel and purchase a template from codecayone. Everything is working perfect only one thing: The template use config/custom.php to define css/js file for each view. &...
Echo Diaz's user avatar
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How to make my A4 print preview handle dynamic content in Laravel blade?

my task is to create a print preview page (which kinda resembles opening an A4 document in Microsoft word) and then turn that page into pdf using browsershot. I'm stuck with making my preview page ...
lance2k's user avatar
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css or styling on @extend() , @section() can't work in one blade file, but in another blade it still working

I can make sure my path is fine (because another blade file can running the css properly), i trying copy blade file to the problem blade but css still not working, trying to clear cache, change ...
GigaTera's user avatar
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Dropdown menu not positioning correctly with CSS in Laravel Blade template

I'm working on a Laravel project and trying to position a dropdown menu on a banner in my header. I'm using a Blade template and have the following CSS under app.css: body { overflow-x: hidden; } ...
Fushfinger's user avatar
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My css file not showing when i use laravel-blade

When I use php artisan serve my css doesn't show in the website I tried to use <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{asset('/resources/css/styles.css')}}" /> but still doesn't work ...
MarouaneOA's user avatar
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Need to know if a number of questions is even or odd

I have a project, and as part of it I receive a form from the back-end, but I need to separate the number of questions, for example: questionNumber = even number - separate half to the left and the ...
SuperXok2077's user avatar
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Correct blade syntax within css rules

I'm trying to set a linear gradient to a color that comes from the database. I'm doing this by using the blade syntax. For some reason the code below is working but it's messing up code highlighting ...
Jalen's user avatar
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Problem with blade values not passing fast enough to the css?

I am having a weird issue and I believe it is because the blade values are not passing fast enough to the page vs the actual CSS. I have a grid in tailwind like this within a blade template: <div ...
Benny's user avatar
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CSRF token mismatch Laravel Page Expired

I have a problem in the Production Environment in which this Exception is generated. Check the Laravel authentication class and noticed that the session token was different from the token sent by the ...
Fernando Henrique's user avatar

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