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Issues with winget on Azure VMs

I have several VMs in Azure where I want to update all applications using winget upgrade. The VMs are running Windows Server 2016/2022, and I have manually installed winget on them. When I log into ...
iflach's user avatar
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Generating SAS account token in powershell

"I generated a token using Azure and it’s working, but I need to create a correct script in PowerShell using the key. The stringToSign I generated is different from the one provided by Azure, and ...
piter22g's user avatar
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Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet works on laptop but not in github actions. No changes done

I have created a service principle in Azure AD B2C and want to upload TrustFrameworkExtensions.xml file to it using Set-AzureADMSTrustFrameworkPolicy powershell cmdlet in GHA. Everything in this works ...
Ashwin Agarkhed's user avatar
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Azure DevOps pipeline PowerShell task

I am using Azure DevOps pipeline and task 'AzurePowershell@5'. With that task I trigger script, which is on the repo- let's call it script X. Script X contains commands like 'Import-...
Vortex's user avatar
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Adding / setting Virtual Applications (Path mappings) to a Web App (App Service Azure) - via Powershell Script

Is it possible to add, via Powershell Script, Virtual Application Paths, Virtual and Physical to a Web App (App Service - Azure), or this is just possible, via graphical interface, in the Azure portal ...
Pedro Costa's user avatar
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I am not able to import the powershell module Microsoft.Graph.Entra.Beta

I am not able to import the powershell module Microsoft.Graph.Entra.Beta. I want to use Set-EntraBetaTrustFrameworkPolicy module to upload xml configs to Azure AD B2C as per this microsoft doc : https:...
Ashwin Agarkhed's user avatar
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How to create dynamic groups in AzureAD/EntraID from a csv import?

I'm trying to create a number of dynamic groups from the department name attribute in AD, then create and add to a security group. This info would be in 2 columns in a csv (department and groupname). ...
Sam F's user avatar
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How can I log the request headers of Invoke-MgRestMethod to inspect the Microsoft.Graph access token?

For debugging purposes, I want to inspect the access token obtained by calling Connect-MgGraph. As I don't see any direct support for this, I have tried to use Invoke-MgRestMethod to inspect to ...
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Better way to deal with multiple foreach loops in Powershell?

Is there a better way in Powershell to handle multiple levels of returned values than nested foreach loops? I need to get a list of each of our Azure Virtual Desktop session hosts for further ...
theillien's user avatar
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Azure Log Analytics - modern Custom Log Table - Using PowerShell to Ingest data via REST API with no DCE

Previously ingesting data into an Azure Log Analytics Log Table could be done without the need for a DCR (Data Collection Rule) or indeed a DCE (Data Collection Endpoint). In fact, this stack ...
GJ-Hardie's user avatar
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Key vaults keys, secrets, and certificates PS script

I am trying to list all the keys, secrets, and certificates that are either expired or going to be expire in 20 days from multiple key vaults from multiple subscriptions but receiving the PS script ...
Manju S's user avatar
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How to connect an Azure Share to a Windows Drive Letter

I have a connection string to an Azure Storage Share which looks like this: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https; AccountName=myaccount; AccountKey=xxx_LongEncryptedString_xxx; EndpointSuffix=core....
askolotl's user avatar
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Get-AzAccessToken tries to authenticate using federated credentials (OIDC token), despite having signed in using azure/login and enable-AzPSSession

I sign-in with Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell module using azure/login@v2 with enable-AzPSSession: true. It works, and I'm able to deploy infrastructure using Bicep. However, the Grant-ServiceAccess....
Shuzheng's user avatar
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Can't assign Directory Readers role to managed identity using Az PowerShell: "Role Not Found" Error

I'm working on connecting to Microsoft Graph using a User Managed Identity (UMI). I've already created the managed identity in the Azure portal, but now I need to assign Directory Readers role to this ...
L S's user avatar
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Get all Azure policy definitions related to customer managed keys using PowerShell or ArmClient

I want to automate the process of listing all policies in Azure that support Customer-managed keys for Azure Storage encryption. Right now my current approach is to search for them in the Azure portal ...
greg's user avatar
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