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Requesting User Consent for Calls.AccessMedia.All for an application, but problem with AdminConsentRequired

I have a web application that functions as a notetaker for Microsoft Teams. Essentially, I need to use the Calls.AccessMedia.All scope for this application to access Microsoft Teams recordings. The ...
Gabe Dillin's user avatar
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Azure Tenant setup for .NET Blazor WASM calling Web API + Microsoft Graph

Overview: I would like to create a solution for an organization using MSAL. The company seems to have users under a single Azure AD tenant. My solution should use a Blazor WASM UI with a .NET API ...
Braydon Griffith's user avatar
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How to Convert MimeMessage to String for Microsoft Graph

I have the following Java Code that tries to create a MIME message and send it to Microsoft graph. I have tried following several examples (see comments in code) but I still get an error. My code is: ...
HeronAlgoSearch's user avatar
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How to add multiple owners to a group with msgraph?

I'm searching a way to add multiple owners to a group inside Azure Entra ID. I'm using the msgraph API with Python. The documentation available here show how to add one owner, but I want to add ...
Gilphe's user avatar
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How to Retrieve Contacts from Directory Contact Folders in Microsoft Outlook Using Graph API?

In Microsoft Outlook, the Directory contains multiple contact folders, and each folder has its own set of contacts. I want to fetch the contacts from the contact folders inside the Directory using ...
Vickram's user avatar
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Use Microsoft Graph authentication to download SharePoint document by direct link (WebUrl)

I am trying to update a SharePoint CSOM application to use the Microsoft Graph API. The existing program used credentials (username + password) from the SharePoint CSOM to download documents from ...
General Un-Co's user avatar
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MS Graph - List events (read) - Recurring events

I would like to ask you for an help related to the reading my callendar events from MS Exchange by MS Graph API. Issue: My code do not "download" the recurring Events from calendar, all ...
Jan Vaško's user avatar
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Create a team webinar using Graph API

I am trying to create a webinar in team using my user as the presenter. In order to do that, I used the tutorial that is provided by Microsoft at this page :
David Brunelle's user avatar
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Add Microsoft account login in Laravel application

I currently have a web application made with Laravel, which already has the standard login system provided by Laravel. I would like to add the option of being able to log into the application also ...
Omar Mohamed's user avatar
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Cannot login on Microsoft Graph API Explorer using my Azure-AD-B2C tenant

good day. I am testing the creation and listing of users for a tenant that I created on my Azure subscription (it is worth mentioning that my subscription comes from my organization's Visual Studio ...
vordonezPaxia's user avatar
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Upload LOB msi files to intune via graph API to programatically setup intune apps

I am trying to upload a windows LOB .msi App to MS Intune via the Graph API. This is part of a bigger script. So far I was able to figure out on how to get the Graph Token and create the App in the ...
user28728407's user avatar
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Graph API - Add ListeItem containing multiple values in managed metadata column

I'm trying to add a ListItem to an SPFx list using the Graph API. The column is a managed metadata type that allows multiple values. I'm able to add one value, but can't figure out how to add multiple....
user2801151's user avatar
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How to update file content in MS Graph without creating versions

Is it possible to update the content of a file using MS Graph without creating a new version? We are making minor updates to many, many files and not wanting to take a storage hit. Here is what we ...
Kevin Day's user avatar
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How to decrypt Outlook 365 Email Messages in java spring boot

I am working in java and spring boot and using Microsoft Graph API now in outlook 365 encryption is enabled so now i want to know that how can i decrypt that email i am getting message.rpmsg please ...
Dhruv kumar's user avatar
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Troubleshoot python function

I need to look through all apps in the graph API and return the app ID for the app where the app display name contains the "PROJECT NAME" that I am passing when I am calling the function. ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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