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Cache Storage vs IndexDB for short lived data

I need to handle a 500MB file upload where the user may be redirected to a login page and later return to resume the upload. To store the file temporarily, options like IndexedDB or CacheStorage seem ...
Shairil Kansal's user avatar
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PWA works on localhost but not with IP address in React app

I'm developing a React application with PWA (Progressive Web App) functionality, and it works perfectly when I access it via http://localhost:3000. However, when I try to run the application using my ...
Junaid's user avatar
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How can i clear api's response cache after logout while using angular service worker?

I cache api's responses by using angular generated service worker , now i want to clear these caches after user decide to logout for this i made new custom service worker file which listens to ...
mehranmb78's user avatar
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Remove Service Worker that loads whole website from cache

I developed a new website for a customer, that had previous website running on the same domain. I deployed the site and found out that www. subdomain still shows the previous website, which I later (...
Lukáš Řádek's user avatar
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Unable to mock Cache service worker API for React/Jest unit test

I'm attempting to test a component that has the following code (shortened) which uses the Service Worker API 'Cache' (, while the code is working ...
soul16's user avatar
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Is it possible to use service worker cache with unpoly or htmx?

I'm a quite frustrated programmer for the usage of single page applications and I'm trying to find equally good alternatives using less technologies. One could be unpoly. Unpoly has a very efficient ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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How to cache files built by Vue in service worker (not manually)

I have this Vue application that I wish to cache all files using service workers but every time I build the application to deploy and test, the filename for the js files created by vue are different: ...
Jerome Palayoor's user avatar
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Can different domain name share the same Cache Storage

I try to get the Cache Storage resource from other domain name that are both based other server side (like and they are connect in intranet). I want ...
Tim Huang's user avatar
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Service worker - Storage Usage is not decreased after caches deletion

All works fine with install , activate lifecycle when i change the version and click skipwaiting. Old caches deleted succefully from Cache Storage and Usage Storage decreased as expected. Somewhere in ...
Manolis Thalassinos's user avatar
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how do i cache the large files on the browser to make the loading time faster

Im trying to store model and js files in cache storage using service workers to make the loading time fast but the cache is not being stored and fetched from the cache storage,when I change the ...
Astro's user avatar
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Dynamic Caching in NextJs app using Service Worker

I'm trying to dynamically cache pages on the browser, but what is happening is, even if I don't cache a page, and call it in offline mode, the page is loaded. The limitCache function also doesn't ...
Atharv Arolkar's user avatar
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Installed web app shows different version than in browser

When I load on my phone, the installed app shows a different version than when I open the site in the phone browser. How can this be? Details I know that a service worker is in place for ...
Simon Ferndriger's user avatar
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Workbox: how to remove a request from the cache

I'm using staleWhileRevalidate Workbox v3 strategy for all of my API Get calls. However, sometimes I want to remove a particular request from the cache at runtime. Example: I have a yes/no state that ...
ulu's user avatar
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Expire create-react-app service worker cache from users browsers

I had previously created a website for my band on using create-react-app and hosted this using S3 and Cloudfront. I recently replaced the react site using Shopify instead and thescratch....
keoghpe's user avatar
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django PWA serviceworker Failed to execute 'addAll' on 'Cache': Request failed

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'addAll' on 'Cache': Request failed serviceworker.js:1 Above is the error from my dev tools console upon launching a django progressive web app. ...
catBuddy's user avatar
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