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Enable Offline Functionality for Ionic Web App

I'm not a developer, but I do work on some small coding projects for my wife's company. I've built a vehicle inspection SPA app in vanilla JS Ionic. A key requirement is that the app continue to ...
denkom's user avatar
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Storing tokens using Cache API in a service worker

I have a project where I need to attach a bearer token onto HTTP requests going to an API. The straightforward way to persist the token is to store it in localStorage and then manually attach it to ...
wyvern's user avatar
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What did Google change in Chromium version 126 that made my PWA not work on Chromium mobile anymore?

Here's all the browsers I tested: chromium mobile before v126 (installation button appears, PWA installed successfully) chromium mobile v126-v131 (only generic homescreen shortcut appears, opens the ...
Aevann's user avatar
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Service worker race condition between message listener and fetch listener

My service worker has a variable to store a secured hash, and injects it into headers for relevant HTTP requests, server app will then compare with its own to make it a secured login. The hash is ...
Shaw's user avatar
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Reactivate service worker from popup window.onload

I'm working on a chrome extension where the service worker does all the heavy lifting (functionality, authentication, etc.), and the popup handles the UI. It basically works like this the popup script ...
Tito's user avatar
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Service worker for 3 pages in angular, waiting state not reached unless there's a debugger in developer tools

tldr: If the service worker needs to update, if I know it has the "waiting" state, I want to tell the user to close the tab and start agin I have an angular SPA with 3 pages. I use router....
tony's user avatar
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Important GitHub Pages related issue with OneSignal service worker installing

Simply script tries to get script from my GitHub Page root, I think I set up OneSignal correctly. How to fix it? Maybe there is a way to set "default" path for OneSignalSDK.sw.js? Error: [...
Mandi_OS's user avatar
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Cache Storage vs IndexDB for short lived data

I need to handle a 500MB file upload where the user may be redirected to a login page and later return to resume the upload. To store the file temporarily, options like IndexedDB or CacheStorage seem ...
Shairil Kansal's user avatar
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Chrome Extension Manifest V3: Service Worker registration fails with 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extensionId')

I’m developing a Chrome extension using Manifest V3. I’m encountering the following error in the logs: "Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'extensionId')...
Giuliana Barbieri's user avatar
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Cache Busting in Flutter Web for New Releases: Issues with Clearing Old Cache

I'm developing a Flutter Web project, and I’m encountering issues with cache busting after deploying new releases. Despite trying multiple solutions, older versions of files (e.g., main.dart.js) seem ...
Ahmad Bakkar's user avatar
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Use the offscreen API with webextension-polyfill

I'm trying to upgrade to Manifest version 3 a cross-browser extension that uses webextension-polyfill and Typecript. I'm stuck on trying to do something similar to
Daniel's user avatar
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Why am I receiving duplicate push notifications in both PWA and Chrome browser?

I am developing a PWA that uses Push Notifications. The issue I am facing is that when a push notification is sent from the server, the user receives it twice: Once in the PWA. Once again in the ...
snb programmer03's user avatar
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PWA works on localhost but not with IP address in React app

I'm developing a React application with PWA (Progressive Web App) functionality, and it works perfectly when I access it via http://localhost:3000. However, when I try to run the application using my ...
Junaid's user avatar
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Problem overriding postMessage / onmessage functions in Worker

I want to override the postMessage() function in all Worker created after the override. I am doing this in a browser extension from a content script before page is loaded. I have tried to simply ...
Andreas Toresäter's user avatar
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WorkManager Chaining Crashes After Executing First WorkRequest

// Create WorkRequest for TaskSchedulerWorker (Worker A) OneTimeWorkRequest workRequestA = new OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder(SchedulerWorker.class) .addTag(TraiQosAppConstants.SchedulerWorker_Tag)...
DevMobApp's user avatar
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