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TableView not show anything when using NSFetchResultsController

I try to make small app like store i save object content name and image in coreData and try to call it by using NSFetchResultsController but it's not show me any think i upload my project on http://...
Kamal Samir's user avatar
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How to sort tableview item top to bottom using coredata

I'm trying to create a list of name in a tableView and I sorted it top to bottom and I'm using coreData to save all information but when I restart my app my tableView being sorted bottom to top ...
Adam Kadri's user avatar
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How to store the core data files in the Private folder

I have released the iOS app to the user through Adhoc distribution. The user has installed the app and they are able to view the files such as sqlite files, images stored in the documents directory. ...
Manoj Arun S's user avatar
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Core Data Coding Pattern

I have been working with C# using a repository design pattern with Entity Framework (EF) that allows me to interact with the database using a generic class for each table. This repository has all ...
Alex Marchant's user avatar
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NSFetchRequest: Return dictionary with nested arrays of dictionaries

Entity: Name, Category, Date, Value The resulting dictionary of my query should be: { Date1: [ { Category1, TotalValueOfCategory1InDate1 }, ...
Phocs's user avatar
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How to work with Core Data saving JSON response,Show data when internet is offline in Swift 3?

I have already parsed JSON and showing in tableView which is working fine. Now my question is how will i save data offline and show when internet is not available offline using Core Data. I am working ...
anuj tiwari's user avatar
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How to show Json data in Offline using core data

Here i have created table view with labelName and labelUsername, and i have downloaded Json data and saving it in core data entity called Details which contains attributes name and username.. here ...
Swift's user avatar
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UIPickerView with Core Data Swift4

I am trying to re-use a code from swift 7.3. I feel I am very close. When I try the code on the simulator, the picker view it is empty, but when I try to use it I have only one data show up. I also ...
Christian's user avatar
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Core data Fetch request with predicate swift 3

I know how to fetch from core data with predicates using a let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "MyEntityAttribute == %@", "Matching Value"). I want to know if it's possible to fetch all of the values ...
Iam Wayne's user avatar
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how to store cache from UIWebViews which is in UICollectionView and display it in offline with swift?

I have 10 collectionView cells with web views controls. I need to store the cache from all the web views and use it when app moves in offline. I have done up to checking internet connection. Can ...
shree thaanu's user avatar
5 votes
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Saving data in child context with privateQueueConcurrencyType

Once I download data from server, I am trying to save data in Core Data. As per Apple documentation I am using parent-child context to perform save operation, as follow: fileprivate func ...
Nuzhat Zari's user avatar
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how to get last inserted row in core data swift4

I am trying to get the row that is inserted latest This is the code I have written let context = coreData.getContext() let request:NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult> = NSFetchRequest() ...
Alex's user avatar
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How do I search multiple values in coredata model?

I have a students entity with attributes { id: String, name: String, age: Int} I need to fetch the names and age of multiple ids. Can I do it in single fetch or should fetch for each id separately?
senthil kumar's user avatar
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Loading the results set for Core Data fetch request

I have a variable declared as such: private var theText = String() private var aId = String() I then do a fetch request and want to load it into that variable: let predicateA = NSPredicate(...
cdub's user avatar
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Retrieve Core Data DB data from iPhone using swift 3.0

How can I retrieve data from a core data DB from my iOS device (iOS 11, Xcode version 9.2) into my system. i am using Swift 3.0 code. I have tried these two links already, but the data doesn't show up ...
Tripti Kumar's user avatar
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