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How to prevent interactions with hidden TabBar area without blocking other UI elements? [closed]

The Problem I have a custom TabBar in SwiftUI that can be shown/hidden with animation. The issue is with handling interactions when the TabBar is hidden: I need to prevent any interactions in the ...
Murat's user avatar
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iOS 18 per item badge color on UITabBar

Up to Xcode 15 and iOS 17, it was easy to change the tab bar item badge color in UIKit using this kind of code: private func setupBadgeColors(item: UITabBarItem?, backgroundColor: UIColor, textColor: ...
Zaphod's user avatar
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Swift UI Tap Bar Border

I want to add a grey border to the top of the bottom tap bar in my iOS application. How can I do that with TabView and SwiftUI? This is how my code looks like so far struct MainView: View { init ()...
dudi's user avatar
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Show "tutorial" over UITabBarViewController with constraints in Swift?

An example of tutorial I need: It is MYPassthrough library. The problem is it works with frames only but I need constraints (to bind to appropriate views directly without of frame calculations) Tried ...
Gargo's user avatar
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I want to make Tab bar like app store UIKit

I want the same color as in App Store. Gradient and background color and selected color and unselected color all the same. override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) { super.viewWillAppear(...
Ratnesh Pathak's user avatar
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How to add these capsule shape behind the selected tab bar item image

I want to make a tab bar with the following features: selectd tab-bar item has this capsule shape around it's icon only , link to desired tab-bar I am creating the tab bar programmatically. Can you ...
Ayoub's user avatar
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i pad tab bar unselected item color is not changing but working fine in iphone

i am using xcode version 14.3.1 . Minimum deployment target 12.0. in iphone everything is just working fine but in the i pad selected item color is changing but unselected item color is not changing. ...
Chander Dhiman's user avatar
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How can I change the unselected tabbar button color?

I want to change my unselected tabbar button color. And i did some research about that on Stackoverflow. I applied the suggestions to my code but for some reason i didn't work for me. For example, I ...
ahtctn's user avatar
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How to change UITabBar background color?

I have been following tutorials and it seems that when the instructor set up the tabbar, it automatically has color. This tutorials was made in different xcode version, so It could be why it shows the ...
Bravo's user avatar
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Add a circle as a selection indicator above UITabbarItem in Swift

I want to add a selection indicator to a UITabbarItem in Swift, like the following image. I tried to code below but I cannot add the circle above the UITabBar. On viewDidLoad: let tabBar = self....
Louiza A's user avatar
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How to change the position of an UITabBarItem and its title (Storyboard)

I am currently trying to build an app with Swift that has an UITabBarController. I have added a screenshot down below to show the result that I have right now. Screenshot when running the app My goal ...
Feron2000's user avatar
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Animate tab bar shape created using UIBezierPath() based on selected index

I have created a tab Bar shape using UIBezierPath(). Im new to creating shapes so in the end I got the desired shape closer to what I wanted, not perfect but it works. It's a shape which has a wave ...
Mel's user avatar
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How can you implement tabBarController for View Controllers that are not the InitialViewController?

So if you want to make the initial view controller a tab bar, you just make a Tab Bar Controller, drag to connect to the view controllers, and set the Tab Bar Controller as the initial view controller....
florida27's user avatar
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CollectionView Touch is now working when placed on top of tabBar Swift

I have added a collectionView on top of a UITabBar but its touch is not working.The screeshot for the tabBar and collectionView The code is attached below, I want the collectionView to be touchable. ...
Rohan Dalmotra's user avatar
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How to setNavigationBarHidden only on two of the three viewControllers under one tabBar controller

I'm using a tabBar controller to control three viewControllers and want to set the navigationBar hidden only on two viewControllers, but it's not working. picture of the structure of the ...
nakim81's user avatar

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