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i pad tab bar unselected item color is not changing but working fine in iphone

i am using xcode version 14.3.1 . Minimum deployment target 12.0. in iphone everything is just working fine but in the i pad selected item color is changing but unselected item color is not changing. ...
Chander Dhiman's user avatar
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How can you implement tabBarController for View Controllers that are not the InitialViewController?

So if you want to make the initial view controller a tab bar, you just make a Tab Bar Controller, drag to connect to the view controllers, and set the Tab Bar Controller as the initial view controller....
florida27's user avatar
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UITabBarController is not fitted to the screen in iOS Swift?

I have been implemented UITabBarController programmatically. Functionality works fine but the UITabBarController is not fitting inside the screen. here is my code: class ViewController: ...
PvUIDev's user avatar
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UITabBar is divided into two part

I want to know why that white part appears above my tabBar and I want to remove that. HomeView Like the code in the following pic(i added the code block also), I set my UITabBar().appearance()....
bome24's user avatar
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Why SearchBar not showing in TabBarController?

I created a HomeViewController which includes a search bar. The search bar looks good when my rootViewController is HomeViewController. But after I connected HomeViewController with a tab in ...
ziyi L's user avatar
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TabBar height is too big

can please someone explain, why do I have such a huge TabBar when I create it programmatically? viewControllers = [ createNavController(for: AssetViewController(), title: NSLocalizedString(&...
Artiom's user avatar
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Change bar icon color when selected in SwiftUI

I would like to change the color of the toolbar icon when it is selected. When not selected the color is Gray, when instead the color to be is selected: # FC4949 This is the code: MainTabView import ...
rizzoantonio's user avatar
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iOS VoiceOver functionality changes with Bundle Identifier

I am having an issue with VoiceOver not honoring coded Accessibility values (label/hint/ect). I have been able to replicate the issue by changing the Bundle Identifier. My original Bundle Identifier ...
Javier Refuerzo's user avatar
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How to access tabbar height from other controller in swift?

I want to attach a view from a specific controller (MyController) just above the tabbar but my problem is how would I calculate the height of the tabbar from MyController so that I could give y ...
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UITabBar items title position issue

I cannot solve this issue, related to the position of the title of every single tab bar item in a UITabBar. I tried with this: extension UITabBar { override open var traitCollection: ...
Andrea Mario Lufino's user avatar
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Remove tab bar background when using custom layer

I have created a custom rounded floating tab bar successfully but how can i removed the default tabbar (shown with arrow in the picture). I tried to set tabbar background to UIImage() and set ...
IskandarH's user avatar
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How to programmatically change Tab Bar Item image and font when selected?

I would like to change the weight of my Tab Bar Item and font when it is selected. I assume this can be done by changing the Tab Bar Item Image and text when the associated tab is being selected. ...
Matthew's user avatar
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UITabBar does not animate properly when show/hide with notched devices e.g iPhone X

I am facing issue with notched devices e.g iPhone X with UITabBar control. See below attachment, works well in iPhone 8. See below is my code: class TabVC: UIViewController { @IBOutlet var ...
Hardik Darji's user avatar
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Tabbar Items Text Override in Swift 5

Tabbar items text override in large localization strings. I tried below solution and other possible solution but its not working fine. In below solution if number of lines is 2 than its truncate the ...
Lalit Pratap's user avatar
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Xcode tab bar and SVG icons

I was hoping I could use SVG icons on a tab bar. I'm currently using Xcode 12 beta 3 and whilst it works with these images, the icons don't seem to rescale. Is there a solution to this?
Kenny's user avatar
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