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How Can I Customize the Background Color and Other Properties of UITextField Inside a UISearchBar?

I’m trying to customize the appearance of a UITextField inside a UISearchBar. Specifically, I want to change the background color and other style properties. I am using the following code to make some ...
ezgi özkan's user avatar
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How to smoothly transition a UICollectionView into a UISearchBar when scrolling in Swift?

I'm working on an iOS app in Swift where I have a UICollectionView displaying ads at the top of my screen and another UICollectionView displaying products below it. I want to implement a smooth ...
Ерасыл Адильхан's user avatar
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Boundary Problem: Thin Line / Seperator Between Navigation Bar & Search Bar in iOS Swift

an image is worth a thousand word, please see the attached image. This is a mobile app that I am developing. There is visually that thin line between the navigation bar and search bar, but I have ...
Bosco Tsin's user avatar
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How can I implement the iPhone Safari search bar at the bottom UI (floating action) in Flutter?

[enter image description here]( I like how the search bar on my iPhone's safari is below and the box gets bigger and smaller in real time when I scroll, so it doesn'...
decaffeineOnly's user avatar
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Why is KeyboardLayoutGuide not applied in viewIsAppearing() in iOS 15.0?

Since viewIsAppearing() appeared, I am using addSubview() in viewDidLoad() and applying Constraint in viewIsAppearing(). I placed the SearchBar at the bottom of the screen, and used ...
Joon's user avatar
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Compose. Scrolling a list with hiding SearchBar

Good day. The task is to put a SearchBar at the top of the list so that when scrolling the list the search is hidden. The behavior is somewhat similar to topappbar. Attempts to install search in the ...
Biller Roman's user avatar
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Problems with autocomplete searchbar - supabase next.js when I restrict policies

I'm having an issue when limiting the data assigned to each user. I'm developing the app with Next.js and Supabase. I have a table called BR hosted on Supabase with its primary key being cod_grupo, ...
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Can tertiarySystemFillColor layer of _UISearchBarSearchContainerView be modified?

My question/issue centers around the use of the _UISearchBarSearchContainerView search field component, and the fact that our small team can't quite figure out if it's possible to either remove, hide, ...
Berklie's user avatar
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How to change UISearchController SearchBar height?

I have a custom view called MySearchBar. It's comprised of a UIStackView with various buttons and images. The stackView has translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints set to false and a heightAnchor ...
Richard Witherspoon's user avatar
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trying to finagle concise searchbox & menu

I'm trying to setup the ugliest/simplest/most functional searchbox and multitier menu on a static webpage. Maybe something like this or this but without all the theming and fancyness to just send ...
bumbling fool's user avatar
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View controller property layout top of each other

I have two view controller . In first view controller I have table view with cell and search bar on top . The second view controller I have back button to go back to first view controller. The problem ...
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SeachBar functionality is not working with UISearchController

I have created the search bar programatically and I am expecting to filter the data when the text is enter into search bar. Problem is not filtering the data although I have data already downloaded ...
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Search functionality is not working in table view

I have created a search bar programmatically and I also defined the search function as well. But the problem is when I enter the text into the search bar, it is not filtering the data. I have set the ...
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With UISearchBar, will the microphone icon on the right "ever" become visible, and if so when?

Add a UISearchBar to your storyboard. Note that this QA is only about UISearchBar and is not about UISearchController. Confusingly there's a voice/mic icon on the right: As far as I can tell, this ...
Fattie's user avatar
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TableView stops getting filtered by search bar after updating data

I'm trying to create a search bar with a listener to perform real-time searching and filtering of data in javafx. The dataSearch method should be triggered when I click the execute button that starts ...
phamnguyen's user avatar

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