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Why can I not get simple html site to initialise with Supabase database? [closed]

I have a very basic program I am testing now that only attempts to connect to and display data from a Supabase database. No matter what I do I get this error in the console: Uncaught ReferenceError: ...
wilruf's user avatar
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Error when rendering html using React template + Supabase + Nodemailer

I have an Edge Function in Supabase that periodically (via cron JOB) reads messages from a queue (pgmq) and sends emails. So far, everything works perfectly—I managed to get it functioning and ...
rrcabrera9625's user avatar
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Error with SMTP Email Sending using Access Token – 'Grant Type' Issue

I'm working on a project where a user registers and grants full access to the site. After obtaining the access token, I’m trying to send an email using SMTP, but I keep encountering an error related ...
Mohammad Usman's user avatar
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Authenticating Mobile Users on a Next.js Server with Supabase and RLS Policies

I am using the Supabase signup method to authenticate users in a mobile app. I want to make API requests to my Next.js server, where I also use the Supabase SDK to interact with the database. I have ...
Nisarg's user avatar
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How can I change the default /rpc/ endpoint in Supabase PostgreSQL to a custom endpoint?

I am currently using Supabase with a PostgreSQL database for my application, and I would like to customize the default /rpc/ endpoint for remote procedure calls (RPC). My goal is to create a custom ...
Behnam's user avatar
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Supabase Row Level Security for Storage

I'm using supabase authentication and database for my project. Recently, I implemented this function which uploads files to supabase storage. it is pretty simple code. if (files) { const ...
Billy's user avatar
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react native supabase auth with google - no session update

I am setting up an android app using rn & expo. I have supabase auth setup for my web app but am stuck trying to set it up on android. The google auth "Choose an account" prompt appears ...
Francesco Russo's user avatar
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How to exclude a folder in Cloudflare deployment

I am trying to deploy my NextJs app on Cloudflare pages. The app has a connection to a Supabase backend and I have setup a few Edge functions on it which are in a separate folder named supabase. ...
Jan D.M.'s user avatar
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Supabase Query Builder Only Returning One Row Instead of Two

I'm using Supabase's query builder to fetch data with a foreign key relationship, but the query is only returning one row, even though I expect it to return two. Here's the code I'm using: const { ...
Bert Van Hecke's user avatar
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How to Redact Sensitive Data in Debug Logs from Python Libraries (httpx, httpcore, hpack)

I am working on an application that uses the Supabase Python client, and I’ve run into an issue with sensitive data like tokens appearing in debug logs. These logs include REST API calls that expose ...
Ganesh Rathinavel's user avatar
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Prisma cannot connect to Supabase

my project with supabase and prisma orm was working fine until today. I got this error ⨯ PrismaClientInitializationError: Invalid prisma.user.findUnique() invocation: Can't reach database server at ...
Billy's user avatar
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Manage stripe subscriptions with trials and promotion codes

I am building a subscription based SaaS product using Next.js, Supabase and Stripe. So far it is working but I am struggling getting the right payment workflow. I am offering two types of ...
guille's user avatar
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Issues running cron jobs at specific times in PostgreSQL using pg_cron

I configured a cron job in PostgreSQL with pg_cron as follows: SELECT cron.schedule('update-events', '0 0 * * *', 'CALL update_event_active_status()'); I expected this job to run every day at ...
Richi's user avatar
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update supabase public.users table from nextjs 15 api route handler

I have a nextjs 15 application hooked up to supabase. One of my components, EditAccount.tsx looks like this: 'use client'; /* imports */ const StyledForm = styled(Form)` height: 70%; padding-...
Umar Khan's user avatar
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How do i properly hide supabase secret key in the backend? [closed]

I found little to no information about this and I don't know where to ask. How do I initiate a BaaS (Backend as a Service) client? For example, I've been using Supabase, and I've already implemented ...
Mawhadmd's user avatar

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