The Right of Publicity: A Matter of Privacy or a Matter of Property?

Introduced on May 31, 2017, New York Assembly Bill A08155, proposed to establish a right of publicity for both living and deceased individuals. It also proposed that an individual's name, voice, and likeness would be freely transferable, descendible personal property. In sum, the bill, which has not passed to date, would make the right of publicity a property right more than a privacy right.

GDPR: Europe’s New Wide-Ranging Data Protection Law and What It Means for Businesses around the Globe

The General Data Protection Regulation is set to replace Directive 95/46/EC as the new standard for how companies deal with the data of European residents. Its extra-territorial coverage means companies all over the world will have to pay close attention to its rules, or face hefty fines for non-compliance. Companies of all sizes would be well advised to prepare for its requirements effective May of 2018.

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Click here to read about Lumen's Spring 2022 Research Sprint -- "Takedowns and Transparency Research Sprint: Global Norms, Regulation and the Nature of Online Information