Have you recently received a letter that sounds something like this?
Re: Infringement of XXX, Inc.'s Intellectual Property Rights This firm represents XXX, Inc. It has come to XXX's attention that you have registered and been using the domain name XXXSUCKS.COM. Your activities constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition under Federal and State law and may be in violation of the recently enacted Anticybersquatting statute and ICANN's Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy. XXX.Inc will not tolerate attempts to trade off its excellent reputation. We hereby demand that you (1) immediately deactivate (remove name service from) all hosts in the XXXSUCKS.COM domain, and (2) agree to transfer the domain to XXX,Inc. Should you fail to do so, XXX, Inc. will take the additional measures it deems appropriate to protect its valuable trademark rights. Even though the Constitution guarantees freedom of expression, trademark and copyright owners have rights, that may or may not be violated by the name or content of a web site you have dedicated to protest, criticism or parody. If you violate these rights, there are a number of court actions that can be brought against you in federal and/or state court. In addition, a trademark owner can file for a quick administrative proceeding to take away your domain name, in order to deprive you of the ability to easily direct Internet users to your site. This administrative proceeding involves the UDRP.
If so, don't panic. The cease and desist letter sent to you probably makes things sound worse than they are. Ordinarily these letters list an impressive number of separate laws that you have violated, even if the violations all pretty much relate to the same kind of thing. If you have a good defense that goes to the core of the threatened actions against you, that defense may protect you against most or all of the legal and administrative threats.
There are several legal and administrative actions used to threaten writers who engage in protest, criticism and parody on the Internet. While there is a lot of overlap in the legal issues in an attack on protest, criticism and parody sites, there also may be some differences in the attack. For additional information, please review FAQs on Cease and Desist letters directed at protest and criticism as well as those those directed at parody and satire. Pay particular attention to the FAQS concerning the UDRP, as many trademark owners choose that quick and inexpensive route to take away a domain name. The trademark holder may be able to accomplish what it desires by the simple act of taking away a domain name and with it the easy access to your site by interested parties.