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ASP.NET Core is a lean, composable and cross-platform framework for building web and cloud applications. It is fully open source and available on GitHub, and is currently in version 1.1.0. ASP.NET Core can be run both on .NET and .NET Core, and can be hosted on Linux and MacOS under .NET Core.

4 votes
1 answer

Create/Edit Commands for Finance Agreements that involve document upload

I'm working on commands for creating and updating FinanceAgreement records in a .NET application. The goal is to streamline and clean up the document-handling logic. Problem Description: In our ...
nop's user avatar
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Custom ASP.NET Core CookieAuthenticationHandler

I wrote a CustomCookieAuthenticationHandler because I don't like the way CookieAuthenticationHandler.HandleForbiddenAsync() ...
iKingNinja's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Refactor to get one more layer of abstraction for less repeated code

I might add more methods, but currently I have this design: So connectionString comes from IOptions pattern. Then for each ...
LonelySemicolon's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

Best practice code for payment integration [closed]

I am new to coding, and I am doing my best to write efficient and robust code. I am also trying to incorporate design patterns into my code. Could you please take a look at my repository and let me ...
Thomas Charles's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Thread safe accessing memory cache using semaphore

I have a Web API and for some requests we are sending requests to a third party API that requires request authentication. It's a simple bearer token, which I'd like to reuse across requests, because ...
Prolog's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Optimizing LINQ Query on C# Web API

Can someone help me optimize this code especially the LINQ query. It takes 8-12 seconds just to return a response when I'm calling the endpoint. Its super slow, and my whole endpoint call is taking ...
Kraust123's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

C# decomposition and refactoring of a very long Web Data Scraping Function with multiple different tasks using a Clean Architecture Pattern

I inherited a very long and messy C# function with a task to make it more readable and Clean Architecture Pattern friendly. The primary goal of a function is to send an API request to an endpoint and ...
Vedran Knezevic's user avatar
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Extend the login timeout in a ASP NET 7 application

My ASP Core web application was recently upgraded from NET6 to NET7. Almost zero problems except one, which still puzzles me. With the "old" NET6 version, once an user log then app in (...
Mario Vernari's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Serilog logging extension methods

I've been using this extension in almost all of my projects. What's your opinion? Do you think there is something else to add or to be improved? The idea is to ignore all default ASP.NET messages that ...
nop's user avatar
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Retrieving large batches of online game codes?

In my current solution, a user triggers my web API from a web application of mine first, then my web API calls a 3rd party web service, and the results/codes are displayed on the web application. In ...
raysefo's user avatar
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POST-Redirect-GET in ASP.NET Core MVC preserving user input and validation messages (v2)

I have a multi-page form to submit and update an application for an event built using ASP.NET Core MVC. Each page of the form consists of the display information managed by the organizer (1) and the ...
pikachu's user avatar
  • 136
2 votes
1 answer

POST-Redirect-GET in ASP.NET Core MVC preserving user input and validation messages

I have a multi-page form to submit and update an application for an event built using ASP.NET Core MVC. Each page of the form consists of the display information managed by the organizer (1) and the ...
pikachu's user avatar
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Azure AD Role Based Authorization : Allow specific roles for all GET methods and another set of roles for POSTS

There is a need to authorize the Users based on their Roles, particularly a set of roles that should allow all GET operations and a second set that should allow all POST operations. Eg: All Get ...
Mugil Karthikeyan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Azure DevOps Git: Fork into another Repo using Azure DevOps REST API

In my Azure DevOps Project, I have a Git repository that I would like to copy to another Azure DevOps Project. In other words, I should be able to copy the original repo into other Azure DevOps ...
Mugil Karthikeyan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Export and import work items from Azure DevOps

I'm working on an application that exports and imports work items from Azure DevOps. To import work items into Azure DevOps, I have written the following code. Would you be able to review and make ...
Mugil Karthikeyan's user avatar

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