Currently there is no MedaiStatus.PLAYER_STATE_LOADING state to tell if the video is being loaded to the chromecast device.

Is there a way i can ask the GoogleCast device if I am loading data, as apposed to Buffering, Idle, Playing, or Paused?

1 Answer 1


We don't have such event exposed through the SDK. There is a couple of nice diagrams here that show the flow and events that are captured (see section Media Events). If there is a any reason that you need a certain event (exposed by MediaElement) that are not exposed through the SDK, you should consider doing the following:

  • Listen to that event on the MediaElement directly and inform your senders accordingly. The receiver SDK does exactly the same thing; it gets all its media events from the media element.
  • Open a feature request on our SDK tracker. There, you need to explain in detail why you need that feature and basically build a case that shows it is a valuable feature not just for your particular case, but in general.
  • Thanks, for clarification. This has come up do to stopping playback but leaving receiver launched when navigating away from a screen in my app. This is not a recommended experience anyways, but it is nice to know that its just not possible.
    – kandroidj
    Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 17:24

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