We create a UIButton by initialising it with a configuration and embedding it within a (horizontal) UIStackView. We set setContentHuggingPriority to required because we want the button to only take up as much space as it actually needs.

    var configuration = UIButton.Configuration.filled()
    configuration.title = "Send to"
    configuration.baseBackgroundColor = .red

    let customButton = UIButton(configuration: configuration)
    customButton.setContentHuggingPriority(.required, for: .horizontal)

When running attached to the debugger, it looks like this:

what it should look like

When we open the app manually by tapping on the icon, i.e. not connected to the debugger, it looks like this:

what it looks like

When I attach the debugger after I launched the app manually and inspect the view hierarchy I see that the intrinsic content size width is 59 instead of 83 (when attached to debugger).

It seems that the intrinsic content size is wrong, but why? Is it a bug at Apple? What could be wrong?

  • Thanks for your reply, same result sadly enough Commented May 28 at 14:58
  • Turns out there was nothing wrong with this code. After a long search I found an evil UIButton extension in our project which messed up the intrinsicContentSize (created by previous code owners). Commented May 29 at 12:05

1 Answer 1


Turns out there was nothing wrong with this code. After a long search I found an evil UIButton extension in our project which messed up the intrinsicContentSize (created by previous code owners).

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