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How do I add custom horizontal spacing to a view in a stack view with a leading alignment and vertical axis?

I have a stack view that contains a title label and a view which happens to be another stack view that I want to add custom spacing to. The composition I am using is based on the way that is described ...
Asaad Jaber's user avatar
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Mysterious behavior of stack view with a container view in it: items prior to a container don't appear [closed]

Start a Mac, open Xcode, create a new swift-storyboard project and paste in the demo code below. Fire it up and you will see a jiggly scrollable stack something like this .. All good so far. Let's ...
Fattie's user avatar
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UIStackView change distribution from fill to fillEqually confusingly

As the picture : My Inner StackView (horizontal) set distribution to fill When you add two labels to this inner stackview , these two labels will got the same width . seems the distribution is set to ...
ximmyxiao's user avatar
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How to dynamically add rows to UITableviewCell in efficient manner?

I need to have UI structure where my table cell can have text (that is easy to implement as it will automatically increase table cell height) and also can have multiple records shown in below image: ...
NSPratik's user avatar
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UIStackView conflict strangely with Top Align in Alignment axis?

I have two top aligned HStackViews(with red & green background color) embeded in a VStackView. If I add a label to each HStackView , the layout will got a vertical conflict like this: And if I ...
ximmyxiao's user avatar
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Unexpected animation from UICalendarView embedded in UIStackView

I have a UICalendarView that is embedded in a UIStackView. When I hide/show items in the stack and cause the height of the stack to change, the UICalendarView animates unexpectedly: Note that the ...
moliveira's user avatar
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UIStackView wrong distribution if subviews are UIButton created with UIButton.Configuration

The UIStackView doesn't have the correct .fill distribution if subviews are UIButtons created with UIButton.Configuration. In the example below I created two UIStackView with subviews of UIButton type....
Petro Shm's user avatar
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UITextField backspace not working correctly for the first placeholder in a 6-digit verification code input in Swift

I am building an iPhone app where users can enter a 6-digit verification code, each digit in a separate UITextField. The UI is created programmatically with UIStackView to arrange the text fields ...
TheGuyWhoCantCode123's user avatar
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Whats element can I change to replace UIStackView to show 2 images row

I use a vertical UIStackView to show images in my iOS app just like the image below But now I need to change that behaviour and show two images per row just like the example below. What UI component ...
fabiobh's user avatar
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UIButton with configuration gives incorrect intrinsic content size, when not connected to debugger

We create a UIButton by initialising it with a configuration and embedding it within a (horizontal) UIStackView. We set setContentHuggingPriority to required because we want the button to only take up ...
Birgit Van Keer's user avatar
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multilevel uistackviews autolayout not working

I'm trying to build a layout using this idea: scroll -> UIStackView (vertical) -> UIStackView (horizontal) -> UIStackView (vertical) [ view + n(UIStackView (horizontal)-> UIStackView (...
Matheus Cavalcante Teixeira's user avatar
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UIStackView spacing seems very small

I'm trying to brush up on my UIKit and I can't figure out why my stack view spacing is so small when trying to add some custom views inside it. I've tried this stack view size on some of my past ...
Simon McNeil's user avatar
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Issue with Flipping Views in UIStackView based on Condition

In my iOS project, I'm working with a UIStackView that contains multiple subviews. I want to dynamically flip or move up and down specific views within the stack view based on a condition. ...
DRN's user avatar
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iOS - Resize StackView according to Container view's height

I am developing a complex UI which comprises of multiple parts. So, I have opted to use Container Views. I have a tableView inside the containerView, and containerView is inside a stackView in parent ...
iOS's user avatar
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UIStackView - Hide/Unhide animation not as expected

I am trying to perform smooth animation when hiding and unhiding UI elements in a vertical StackView. When the UI element has height constraint set, I am unable to obtain expected result. The view ...
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