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Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'

This is the error I'm getting when I trye to execute the code.( Error message: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AND'. StackTrace: at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient....
Menake Panduwawala's user avatar
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Can SQL query affect my blazor app rendering perfomance?

OVERVIEW I know this question is obvious but let me give some overview. So I wanted to delete data from multiple tables in my SQL Server database since some of those tables have FKs, constraints, etc.....
TheMax370's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to use query with quotes inside a parent query [closed]

I have a use case, where I need to update column value which is itself a query. Table structure: CREATE TABLE MyTable ( ID int, Query varchar(max) ) Update query: UPDATE MyTable SET Query =...
shuja ali's user avatar
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I want to find distinct values from a column in an Access (accdb) database table

I want to select all the rows in a database table where the values in FileSize are unique. I am using .NET, OleDB, and SQL against an Access database: ID FileName FileSize ------------------------ ...
Alan's user avatar
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How to distinguish when FOUND is false from when row version is obsolete in a Postgres stored function

Working on implementing optimistic concurrency in a .NET application backed by Postgres, I have arrived at an impasse. The following stored function returns FOUND, enabling the invoking endpoint to ...
STHA's user avatar
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LINQ Subquery selects all columns instead of the specified only

I have the following LINQ query: var query = from store in _dbContext.Stores.AsNoTracking() join shelf in _dbContext.Shelves.AsNoTracking() on store.Id equals shelf.StoreId ...
cinosz's user avatar
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Loading information from a SQL DB to an array of buttons, they are not in order [closed]

I am writing a point-of-sale (POS) app where I have the layout number (1-35), text (price and product name) and image of the buttons in a SQL database. There is a ItemLayout table in the database, ...
EB's Electronics's user avatar
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When updating many rows in a column of a SQL table, how can I skip rows which are locked, or that are taking too long to update [duplicate]

The application is coded in .NET using ASP.NET webforms. I am trying to change the Priority code of several hundred order numbers. The new code to be assigned is what the user selects in the Drop down ...
kvj's user avatar
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EF Core passing 0 as null for ID Column [duplicate]

I have a table with ID as primary key, which can have value 0 (obviously non-repeating). The Id column is not an identity column. While adding a record manually, SQL server allows me to store 0 in ID ...
Pankaj Kumar's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to store data in SQL server in different languages for language translation in a lengthy table?

I am working on a C# .NET application that needs to support the translated state names, districts, sub-districts, and villages into over 20 languages. Given that there are over 100,000 records for ...
Aryan Gupta's user avatar
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Unable to Save Image Data to SQLite Database in MAUI Application

Problem Overview What you are trying to do: I am trying to save image binary data into a SQLite database named gazouByte.db3 when the "Save" button is pressed after selecting an image file ...
NTanaka's user avatar
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Is there a limit for an Update with Output SQL Statement

I want to update records on a view and get back the updated records to process them in my application, the code is working fine for almost cases, but for a specific senario when I have more than 22000 ...
Osama Azab's user avatar
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Umbraco: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_cmsPropertyType_umbracoDataType_node_id [duplicate]

I recently upgraded my Umbraco website from 13 to 14. It seems that I have duplications that remained from when I upgraded from 7 to 8. I try to remove these duplicates in my database, but getting the ...
Menahem Gil's user avatar
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Use some kind of helper function In EF Select query to make subquery [duplicate]

I have several tables that handles different kinds of translations for my entities and those tables to linked via relations to other entities. I use subquery to directly access translations tables ...
user3408420's user avatar
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Trouble Determining Dependent Side in One-to-One Relationship with Entity Framework Core

I'm currently working on a project using Entity Framework Core in a .NET Core application. I'm having trouble determining the dependent side in a one-to-one relationship between the User and Account ...
changedevelopersoftware's user avatar

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