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.NET MAUI, hidding a collectionview when data is not available and showing it when it is available

I am implementing an ecommerce mobile app in .NET Maui. I have Trending-collectionviews and bestselling-collectionview. I would like to add a collectionview that will hold new products-Collectionview ...
Sikes Ben's user avatar
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How to Set SPATIALITE_SECURITY Environment Variable in .NET for SQLite/SpatiaLite?

I’m developing a .NET application where I’m using SQLite with SpatiaLite for spatial data processing. To enable all SpatiaLite functions, I need to explicitly set the SPATIALITE_SECURITY environment ...
Bilal Yousaf's user avatar
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Delete command is not working for List View in .NET MAUI

Somehow my DeleteNotificationCommand is not working, I can't figure out why? I am new to MAUI, any help would be appreciated. The command is not even getting triggered since, it's not hitting the ...
Ayush Mishra's user avatar
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CollectionView control in a MAUI .net 9 app only fires load more items command once when supporting increment load

I am using a CollectionView component in a page and loading data incrementally to support large list of items. Here is the view XAML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> &...
B Singh's user avatar
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.NET9 MAUI Hybrid with Web App - Using appsettings.json

I'm looking to create a solution with MAUI clients (Windows, Android, iOS) and a Wasm Client (hosted). Additionally I will deploy a Web API, which will be consumed by the MAUI Clients and the Wasm ...
Neil W's user avatar
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Wait until ScrollBar disappeared or Pages/Views fully loaded

I have a .NET MAUI App and test the Android part via Appium and UiAutomator2. I take Screenshots and compare them to a reference file. In general, this is working fine. But, sometimes these tests fail ...
OXO's user avatar
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Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation: Error causes break mode when signalr server is unreachable [closed]

My MAUI Application uses SignalR service for communication. When server is unreachable by any reason like data turn off or server running off my application goes in break mode throwing error as: ...
RUSHI HARDWARE's user avatar
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.Net MAUI Assets file doesn't have a target for 'net8.0' for Class Library

This is where VS drives me crazy. I have a solution that has a .NET MAUI Hybrid project, plus a Class Library project. All was fine and I was able to deploy it about 5 times, and then all of a ...
Matt S.'s user avatar
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Geolocation Exception in .NET MAUI: Foundation.NSErrorException with kCLErrorDomain Code 2 for iOS18

I'm developing a .NET MAUI application where I'm trying to get the user's current location using the Geolocation and Geocoding APIs. However, I'm encountering an exception when attempting to geocode ...
Pooja Rawat's user avatar
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How to properly handle double-clicking the back button in .net MAUI?

I have a main page: MainPage : ContentPage There are also pages that I navigate to using await Navigation.PushModalAsync(NewPage); When I have several pages in my stack and I press the Back button ...
Кирилл Колядо's user avatar
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MAUI: how to dynamically add Views to Page?

The problem I face is that I want to add Views (Entry, Button, Label etc...) dynamically into a Page, meaning that I don't know how many of each of them are to be displayed so I can't code them in ...
MauiNewGuy's user avatar
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How do I remove this secondary "title bar" above the navigation bar on MAUI Android?

I'm currently working on migrating our app to MAUI. This bar recently appeared when I switched back to Android after spending a few days fixing iOS issues. During which I upgraded to the latest ...
LPQ's user avatar
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Why Navigation after WebAuthenticator in MAUI doesn't work

I'm building application on .NET MAUI what use "WebAuthenticator" to authenticate with Google. The Problem is that, after successful login, I'm not able to navigate to another page. [...
furybg's user avatar
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ImageSource updating in Image component => empty image, when launched from tablet

I can't update an Image in a MAUI for Android app : the previous image is replaced by a white box. I use .NET 9. Here is the code to update the whole component: [RelayCommand] public async Task My(...
lolveley's user avatar
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Troubleshooting Xamarin.Essentials Location Service Exception on iOS 18

I'm using Xamarin.Essentials for location services, but I'm encountering an exception on iOS 18 when trying to get the current location. The error message states: Foundation.NSErrorException: Error ...
Pooja Rawat's user avatar

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