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SwiftShield Obfuscation Fails to Exclude Pods Files Properly

I am using SwiftShield to obfuscate my project, but despite using exclusion flags (--ignore-names, --ignore-targets), it continues to process certain files from the Pods directory, causing errors. ...
Niraj's user avatar
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Swift Alamofire: why when I upload multipart/form-data I always get "Request Body None"

I'm trying to upload a multipart/form-data request using Alamofire in Swift to my backend running on localhost:8080. When I send the request, the server response is a 403 error, and the request body ...
Marco's user avatar
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How to decode non-JSON data using Alamofire library

I have using a API Response that is not in JSON format but wanted to still decode it, what are the ways that can achieve this stage. Right now the response is failing, Failed to decode JSON: ...
Varun Sharma's user avatar
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Alamofire request returning no results

Trying to fetch JSON data from an external website for two ISBN numbers and the Curl from that site is shown below. When using the AF.request it works fine for one isbn but when trying the string in ...
user1233894's user avatar
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Reqeust doesn't proceed when adpater finished it's work in Alamofire

I have trouble about using http request with Alamofire my sever uses JWT to authenticate user. so when JWT doesn't exist request have to create one. so I do this job in Adapter in Alamofire step 1. ...
Choijun0's user avatar
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SSL Certificate Pinning with Alamofire not working in iOS

I have tried implementing ssl pinning with certificate using alamofire in swift project but I am getting noCertificateFound error. let evaluator : [String : ServerTrustEvaluating] = ["staging-...
koustov_ios's user avatar
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Swift - Codable "Number 2.87 is not representable in Swift"

I have the following struct: struct CustomerEntries: Codable { var date: String var customer_rate: Double var percentage: Double enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case ...
ppp's user avatar
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why Alamofire parameter brackets encoding?

While using Alamofire There was a problem while delivering parameters using GET! Passing the parameters automatically encodes the brackets, and you must pass the unencoded values to the server Can ...
Soom's user avatar
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[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:options:error:]: Invalid top-level type in JSON write

When I run the code, I get the error ---------------------- "[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:options:error:]: Invalid top-level type in JSON write". ---------------------- class ...
sanalkrlk's user avatar
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ld: framework 'Alamofire' not found for visionOS

I am experiencing an issue with building the project for visionOS. The build is working fine on iOS, app is running as expected. But when I try to build it for visionOD (Native) it gives me the error: ...
Burhan Mughal's user avatar
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Add Alamofire to my SwiftUI project fail?

I am trying to add Alamofire to my SwiftUI project, I get the tip message, should I click the Add Anyway button? I am a beginner in iOS package management. Could you please help me?
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Alamofire: How to prevent/debounce parallel request to the same ressource

I'm developing an iOS app where I make various JSON/REST calls to the server. Various party of my application need data from various endpoints and it can happen, that different parts of the ...
iljer's user avatar
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AlamoFire streamRequest returning too much JSON data in each chunk and therefore fails to decode the json, but works fine on the localhost server

On the server side: I have a fastapi running in a docker container. The server has an endpoint that returns a FastAPI StreamingResponse with a python generator as the response, something like this: @...
rockettradr's user avatar
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Unable to get SSL and HTTP Protocol Types Using Alamofire

I'm using Alamofire in my project for networking. I need to extract data about the protocols used on the device from the requests, specifically the SSL encryption protocol type and the HTTP protocol ...
Eli's user avatar
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Response not coming from Alamofire post method servicecall in swift

when i give same parameters i am getting response in postman like this code: why i am not getting response like postman in this makeMultipartRequest() call? where am i wrong? how to get response and ...
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