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7 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Climbing CFData memory usage when using Core Image filters

I'm having a problem with too much allocated memory. My app alloc mem reaches up to 100MB! And yes... i'm using ARC. most of memory allocated is by CFData(as i understand it is CoreImage filters). ...
Hariz Hent's user avatar
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AVCaptureSession disappears / destroyed after going to use another app, and then returning to the original app

I have a View Controller that sets up and runs an AVCaptureSession. After the user captures a photo, I do some Core Graphics processing on the image to get the image ready for saving and uploading to ...
user3344977's user avatar
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Using ARC for the Cocoa UI of an AudioUnit prevents NSView dealloc from being called

I recently converted my AudioUnit plugin to take advantage of ARC for all the interface code (Cocoa). However, this resulted in the main NSView (the one created by the CocoaViewFactory and returned to ...
rukidnao's user avatar
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Cocoa: Finding the missing reference for deallocating

I'm almost done with and app and I'm using instruments to analyse it. I'm having a problem with ARC deallocating something, but I don't know what. I run instruments using the allocations tool ,what I'...
Elbimio's user avatar
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When does the UIViewController get deleted in ARC

I am Working on a ARC based project. I got two ViewControllers. In the First ViewController I have a button, on pressing that button I am pushing the new ViewController. I am doing it as follows: ...
Raj's user avatar
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ARC dealloc called on thread other than mainthread

I've got an issue using ARC. Every time my dealloc methode is called on a thread other than the main thread, I've got a bad access. with the message : Tried to obtain the web lock from a thread ...
Vassily's user avatar
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Stop objects from being deallocated even when it has strong pointers to it

I have an array of employee objects. Whenever I print them using NSLog(), the array gets logged but it starts to deallocate the employee objects though I have not assigned the objects to nil. Here is ...
methi1999's user avatar