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Dropzone and ASP.NET Image Uploader: Uploaded Image is blank and has Underscore Name and Larger Filesize

"I am developing an image uploader using Dropzone in ASP.NET. I am encountering an issue where, after clicking the submit button, the uploaded image file appearing in my directory is blank ...
taher's user avatar
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How to use Dropzone with autoProcessQueue set to false in .net8

I want to use Dropzone in .net8 MVC project with autoProcessQueue option set to false. I'm trying with this
Miguel27's user avatar
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Dropzone.js - Is it possible to mantain the uploaded files for display after postback?

I have a web forms application and i'm making a file upload page that uses dropzone.js, the problem is that I want the uploaded files to stay visible after the page postback since I have some ...
Lorenzo Santarelli's user avatar
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ImageFileForm not binded with input

I'm currently working in .Net Core MVC project and I want to post an image using dropzone.min library, so first, I create View Model: public class TestAssetViewModel { public string? FileName { ...
Demian's user avatar
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DropZone JS check file size according to Document Type MVC 5 C#?

I am new to dropzone js but this plugin looks amazing. I want to use dropzone js to save multiple files but according to the Document type. Means I have Doc Type like, @Html.DropDownList("...
Syed Mohsin's user avatar
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Dropzone - Timings to upload Images

I am using Dropzone to upload images on a form. I am overriding the 'addedFile' function to do some custom functionality to store the uploaded image locally. So, I can get these images on form submit. ...
Lewis Parkinson's user avatar
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How do I pass the images while passing a model in Dropzone.js ASP.NET MVC C#

To start, I'm making a product edit page. When you edit a product, it's all the fields from a database going through a model. I'm using Dropzone.js to upload multiple images for the product with ...
Scott Uphus's user avatar
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Dropzone FileUpload

Dear friends I am currently creating an admin panel for user where they can easily can publish their articles. I also want to add to my form a little fileuploader but sadly I got some problems with ...
Mutellim's user avatar
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How to Drop Multiple files in Dropzone.js in ASP.Net core Razorpages

Im Stuck with the problem that I can't get the "UploadMultiple" to work. Whenever I try to Drop more than one File at once (drag and dropp 3 selected PDF files for example) I don't recieve ...
Roger's user avatar
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DropzoneJS remove files using ASP.NET MVC

I am using the DropzoneJS library to upload files. The controler save it directly on the server (inspired by DropzoneJS with MVC 5 Tutorial) It works but I don't get how to call the controler ...
C. Chen's user avatar
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IIS local server stops when I drop some file on file input

On a project I'm working, when I try to select an excell file from windows file explorer, as soon as I click Ok, IIS server stops on my visual studio 2017. I also encounter this error on dropzone.js ...
Doruk San's user avatar
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How to reinitialize a dropzone element

I want to use dropzone to display thumbnails of images that I already have on the server. I am creating a CMS for a property website. The server has images associated with Sites of properties. When ...
Therealmarley's user avatar
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Server responded with 400 code when trying to upload file with DropZone JS

I'm trying to upload files using Dropzone JS but I got the error message: Server responded with 400 code" I tried setting @Html.AntiForgeryToken() in the form. I also tried sending a token: xhr....
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Sending parameters to HTTPPOST function in form action for a drag and drop page - MVC Razor C#

I need to create a drag and drop page. I am currently using "Dropzone" plugin. In my client I have the following html: Here I select a Value from an input: <div class="form-group"> <...
gn66's user avatar
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Converting DropZone.files to HttpPostedFileBase

I am using dropzone.js in my angularjs and .net application to upload files. dropzone.files has the uploaded files, I have my own custom angularjs method where I take the Base64String from the ...
Fakhar Ahmad Rasul's user avatar

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