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I need help integrating Firebase database in Flutter project

I have a mobile application project developed with Flutter. Interfaces have already been designed and coded in the project. Now I am trying to extract data by connecting this project to the Firebase ...
Berna Koca's user avatar
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How to move a Firestore document between collections using an ElevatedButton in Flutter?

I am building a Flutter app that uses Firestore as a backend. I have two collections: “Books” and “Read”. I want to create an ElevatedButton that moves a document from the “Books” collection to the “...
Adel's user avatar
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function not fetching data from firebase also showing no error

I have a function to fetch data from firebase firestore everything working fine except its not fetching data and it also shows no error I don't know why please help me out here my code functions like ...
Abhiram's user avatar
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save and query data from firestore with timeStamp or firebase server time in flutter

Please I have a history page on my flutter app that I want to work on and I have been thinking of a way to store the data correctly in my firestore so that I can achieve the desired result as seen in ...
Olamide Osuolale's user avatar
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How to access a value in the database using Dart?

I put a document from firestore database inside a key named "product", which is the following: {"wallname":"","height":0,"width":0,"wallcondition&...
Vinicius Andrew's user avatar
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How do I show user data from Firebase in my Flutter app?

I’m new to Flutter. How can I retrieve user data from Firebase to my profile page? My Firebase data contains a name, email, blood type, and a date of birth. And I would like to retrieve this data to ...
NyK's user avatar
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Class '_JsonQueryDocumentSnapshot' has no instance getter 'docID'. Receiver: Instance of '_JsonQueryDocumentSnapshot' Tried calling: docID

FirebaseFirestore.instance .collection("pet_entries") .doc(data[index].docID) .delete() i m not catch the data[index].docID In this, I faced an issue in (data[index].docID). i ...
Muneeb Shahzad's user avatar
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How to automatically add additional fields when a user signs up with Firebase Auth?

I am trying to create a simple flutter app where a user can add/unfriend other users. I am using the createUserWithEmailAndPassword for registration. Email and name fields are accepted through ...
user199707's user avatar
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Flutter Local module descriptor class for not found

*W/DynamiteModule( 6380): Local module descriptor class for not found. I/DynamiteModule( 6380): Considering local module
Emir's user avatar
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Collect all the data from the database an access it from anywhere

I am developing a Flutter app using Firebase as a database. I want to reduce the read operation because every time user clicks on the screen it reads again. So I want to get all the data and access it ...
Vinayak Sutar's user avatar
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Updating a field in an unknown document id firebase\flutter

I have a problem with updating a field without knowing the document id. in my app I have a collection name myPost which holds the users post, I want to edit the review of the user so I used where ...
rahaf aldrwish's user avatar
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How to retrieve whole nested data form multiple document from firebase in flutter

How can I retrieve the all the data form each uid with their nested field and order them in according to order sent time. Here is the structure of database
Netesh Paudel's user avatar
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How to store data for each user in Flutter Firebase Realtime Database?

I am building a mobile application using Flutter. For the to-do list feature, I connected it to the firebase real-time database so that when values are added to the application, those are ...
Bella Lee's user avatar
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The data from Firebase appears randomly, and it is not the last item I add that appears at the top

I need to show the data that I add at the top, but it does not happen, I thought that the data is arranged according to the date it was added to the Firebase Firestore, I think the data is sorted by ...
ItsSaed's user avatar
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how can i pass this date value to firebase

trying to pass the date and time string values to firebase using the following flutter code final DateAndTimeRef = database.child('DateAndTime/'); String dateString =; ...
OsO98's user avatar
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