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Capturing pre-defined inputs on ng-submit

I'm creating a form in Angular (1.x) and using ng-model and JSON to pre-populate checked radios and checkboxes. For some reason the pre-populated values don't show in the form scope until I manually ...
Christian Hill's user avatar
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two ng-model with the same value on a form

I have a simple form with two text inputs like below: <form> // this is visible in mobile view <input id="mobileView" type="email" required ng-model="myValue" /> // this is ...
Rathma's user avatar
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Resetting the model values [duplicate]

I have an ng-model="name" in my html page. It is connected to the main controller. The model is used to submit the name in a form using ng-submit= formfilled(name). But after the form is submitted, I ...
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Pause OnBlur validation input form AngularJS

The problem is that I send the form to the server and if the email is already in use, the message of the error "already in use" is shown fine, but if the user wants to click in "recover-password" link,...
MGG's user avatar
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ng-model value not passed to the controller function

I am using ng-model to pass the form value to a controller function. But it is not passing correct values of the check boxes. Here is my plunker. Please help me out with this.
undefined's user avatar
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input text isn't updating angular model in one case that is identical to another in the same form

I have a simple form (reduced from the actual form to demonstrate the problem): <pre>Name: {{}}</pre> <pre>Annual College Expense: {{currentChild....
user1416192's user avatar
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reset form value/object to empty upon ng-click in AngularJS

Description: I'm using ui-router to load form pages upon icon click, whenever the user clicks the icon the new form should load ( remove any filled fields ). I have added ng-click on icon which can be ...
Mad-D's user avatar
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Cannot get form data with ng-model

So I have two forms inside the same controller. <form name="myForm" id="myForm" class="form-horizontal" ng-submit="saveMyForm(myForm)" > <input type="text" id="name" ng-model="name" />...
slevin's user avatar
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Set model value programmatically in Angular.js

I'm an author of angular-input-modified directive. This directive is used to track model's value and allows to check whether the value was modified and also provides reset() function to change value ...
Slava Fomin II's user avatar
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Angular Forms. How to Get Some Inputs to Reevaluate Others?

I have a form in angular that that a Category text input and an ID input. The ID must be unique to the category. So if I have the following items for Cat1: Cat1 - 123 Cat1 - 245 Cat1 - 456 Then If i ...
micah's user avatar
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Angular: Set value of text input without creating a model

I have a form that lives inside an ng-repeat. I'm not using ng-model on the form because I don't think there is a need just yet (it's not an AJAX form). I want to set the default value of one of my ...
Daniel Bonnell's user avatar
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Dynamically create angular checkboxes and get their values

I have a program that needs to check an API for all the current users on the system, and then present a form to an administrator who can decide which ones to give certain powers. I can't figure out ...
Cocorico's user avatar
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Multiple ng-models on one input field?

I have a form, and a list of items. I used ng-model="searchFor" to filter out the list of items appropriately (this part is working fine), but I also want to "submit" the item that's filtered out -- ...
tx291's user avatar
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AngularJS, how do I combine multiple inputs into a single ng-model? Specifically, to combine a date, time, and timezone input into a datetime object

I need to create a datetime object to store in MySQL, but I need it to be entered with multiple inputs (one for date, one for time, one for timezone). So right now my code is like this: <input ...
Captain Stack's user avatar
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ng-model vs ngModel - breaks form

New to angular, new to life: I have a small email form. This works: <form method="post" name="form" role="form" ng-controller="contactForm" ng-submit="form.$valid && sendMessage(...
hogarth45's user avatar
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