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Checkbox form symfony

I have a backend form which one is connected with a table. It's a configuration field and inside we can find something like a json. The form already exist (the limitHours field is working fine and ...
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Post angular 2 form data to symfony api

I have angular 2 form and I want to save it in the data base using symfony API web service, I'm trying to fetch data from angular form and sent it as json object to the url endpoint via post http ...
547n00n's user avatar
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AngularJS issues when using it with Symfony3 form: it doesn't display old values if the form submitted with errors

When I use AngularJS with a symfony form, with constraint validation. Then if I submit my form with invalid data, the system redirect me to the form with error messages, but all the inputs are empty, ...
E . Younes's user avatar
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Integrating AngularJS with Symfony2 form

I am working on a symfony2 form, wherein I have two drop-downs. Now I need the following functionality - "Based on the selected value of the first dropdown, the second drop-down gets populated". I was ...
utkarsh2k2's user avatar
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Can we use angular js validation in symfony2 forms?

I am working on a registration form in symfony2 with angular js. My doubt is can we do angular js validations in a symfony2 form? because i cannot validate the form and also i dont know how to post ...
reb's user avatar
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Symfony2 Association class form

This is my first Symfony project, and I can't figure out how to solve my problem. Basically, i'm trying to make an invoice using a form. I have a "Facturation" (ie invoice) Entity, a "TypeOfService" ...
Nebular Noise's user avatar
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POSTing arrays into a collection type in Symfony

I have a form that accepts multiple arrays of id's, when then should insert it into the database. Here is the code: This is part of the collection type public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface ...
KNgu's user avatar
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Symfony2: manually submit a form without class via AJAX

We have an old website where I have implemented a form that is sent by AngularJS to a PHP script and after processing an email message get sent. If the form is not valid the PHP script returns a JSON ...
cezar's user avatar
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Symfony2 processing PUT cross-domain request via forms

I have two separate projects: UI(AngularJS) and Server(Symfony2). I need to send cross-domain PUT request from AngularJS application to the Symfony2 app. In the Symfony controller I passed $request ...
Sergio Ivanuzzo's user avatar
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Dynamic forms with Angularjs

I have a developing an app using angularJS + Symfony. From backend I have the following entities: class Property {...} class Land extends Property {...} class House extends Property {...} class ...
Cristhian Boujon's user avatar
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How to pass text from form to javascript function

So I have little problem, I want to write something in form and pass it to symfony2 controller, but I have no idea how can I do it. I tried something like this: Index.html: <form action='#close' ...
Mateusz's user avatar
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Symfony ignore validation about extra fields

I need to add additional form fields dynamically with different names and ids to the form using angularJS. How do I make symfony ignore those fields when checking if the form is valid? I cant add ...
Einius's user avatar
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How to upload an image using angular + symfony + vichuploaderBundle

I'm trying to upload an image using angular and vichUploaderBundle for symfony. The idea is the following, I have some tabs, if you click on them they'll display different forms, one of them is for ...
Mauro Alvarez's user avatar
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AJAX form submit (with a file) to Symfony but $form->isValid returns false

I use some Angular JS code to submit a file and some other fields (and a CSRF token) to a Symfony controller. var formObject = new FormData; formObject.append('email',[index]....
Tudor Merlas's user avatar
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AngularJS and Symfony2 Forms or how to remove form's "action" attribute?

I have Symfony form (FormType) and want to use AngularJS and ng-submit on client-side, but Symfony adds an action attribute to the form and ng-submit doesn't prevent form submission and page reload. ...
kovalevsky's user avatar

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